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A Normal Lost Phone

A Normal Lost Phone is a game about exploring the intimacy of an unknown person whose phone was found by the player.

The game takes the shape of a narrative investigation: you have to search the phone’s text messages, pictures and applications, in order to learn about its former owner. Through this phone, you uncover Sam’s life, friends, family and relationships, until the evening when they turn 18 and mysteriously disappear.

- An immersive and intuitive way of introducing the narrative through a fake smartphone interface.
- A game that bridges the gap between reality and fiction by letting players act as themselves. The game asks a simple question: if you close the app but still think about the game, have you truly stopped playing?
- A relatable story that helps build empathy with the characters, allowing to explore difficult topics.

Clues & solutions: https://www.gamefaqs.com/iphone/204917-a-normal-lost-phone/faqs/74410

Category : Adventure

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Reviews (26)

Ned. P. Apr 7, 2022     

Been meaning to play through this for years, it was absolutely worth it, the story is great and I really liked learning Sam's story. Don't take the four star review as a reason not to play! My only issues were minor, but it kept it from a perfect rating! I had issues with performance throughout, the experience wasn't as smooth as I would have liked with stuttery scrolling. I also thought the ending felt a little bit loose, the unlocked phone seemed wrong, and I would have liked a tiny bit more!

Mik. K. Jan 19, 2022     

I found this through a YouTube list video of "emotionally devastating" games - I didn't find the story *that* emotional, but it got me invested in its true to life characters. The puzzles are challenging but fair and feel realistic to the concept of going through a stranger's phone and trying to figure out passwords. Should take about an hour and a half to complete, and that's if you read every email, text etc.

Tei. B. May 26, 2022     

Amazing! This game is absolutely fantastic. It's just so different from what I expected. The storyline was amazing, so many twists and turns from what I thought at the beginning. It sheds light on a grossly unrepresented scenario which so many young people face and it does it in such a way that I think even closed minded people could appreciate. So refreshing to play a game with a real purpose behind it and to see myself represented was something I've not experienced before. 10/10😍😍😍

Lyl. H. Feb 21, 2020     

This is the first mobile game to ever make me cry. SO good! Speaking vaguely to hopefully avoid spoilers, Sam is like a lot of my friends who I met through a shared community, so I felt a lot of affection toward the character. <3 One critique: it was a little tiring to go back to the menu every time I needed to switch apps! It would be nice if there was a button to flip between all the open apps, like there is on a real smartphone. That's a small complaint though. Also, the art is beautiful! :)

Isa. S. Aug 3, 2021     

absolutely beautiful game, i finished it in one sitting just because i got so invested in the story. wonderful characters, puzzles were a perfect difficulty (had to think outside the box a few times), and overall just a fantastic story that hit really close to home for me in quite a few places. you really can tell the creators put in a lot of research, effort, and love into it. i think the world needs more games like this, if i could give it 6 stars i would. thanks for telling this story :)

Jul. M. Dec 6, 2020     

For what it is, this game is great. I though of this as a lightly interactive visual novel with a very unique interface and concept. As a privacy aware user it felt so utterly wrong to peek into someone elses personal affairs. I will admit that this is way too short for my taste. If you take your time, its about 120 minutes, reading everything. Its awesome writing though. Thanks for exploring this topic. It was a very relatable experience. Thank you for helping me finding my own way with this.

Rem. B. Oct 31, 2019     

Not what I expected for $3.50, honestly. Don't get me wrong, it tackles some important subjects in a genre that isn't too explored yet, but it is just not very fun and way too short. The OS controls are a bit annoying and the story is rather bland, unlike the (in my opinion) much better games of this type like Sara is Missing and Simulacra. If it was more fleshed out, much longer, and had better puzzles, I would've been much more willing to accept the amount of money I had invested in this.

Lee. S. Mar 24, 2021     

This is very well thought game, makes you think but not too difficult. I managed to finish it in a day but the games not about spending loads of time on it, it's for awareness. I can relate slightly to this theme but I learned a lot about the people involved in the story and how terrible things can really be for teenagers going through this. I highly recommend playing to find out the story and difficulties people have to go through. I wish you could return the phone for a different ending

Tat. C. Jun 27, 2020     

Its a great story that is very dynamic. Could I personally relate, no not really. But it didn't matter in this game because it really pulled you in. So much emotion, confusion, and anger. By the end I was so proud of Sam! Honestly making notes throughout the game helped me fly through it. I was building a timeline to keep the story straight. But it made it easy to refer back to for the puzzles and codes needed because i already wrote them down. No need to search around and look.

Kit. P. Jun 29, 2020     

Short but enjoyable. The "puzzles" require you to think and investigate but aren't particularly difficult. It's a pretty linear story (you don't really have many options as to what you can do), but it's a good one nonetheless. I've played similar games on PC but the mobile format is definitely nice for these.

Dan. M. Jul 9, 2019     

This is a creative game that's a cross between a puzzle game and a short mystery novel. I was hooked pretty quickly and the curiosity to discover the full back story was powerful. I was not disappointed. The game only "lasts" for a few hours and a lot of that time was spent being stuck trying to unearth clues to solve riddles the game throws at you, but it was worth it. I look forward to sharing this game with others and gauging their reactions.

stu. m. Jun 25, 2020     

Really awesome game! Took a lot of detective work, but that made it more interesting. I was tempted to look up answers at one point but stayed strong. The game did a very good job of building it's main character piece by piece. It really made me want to keep playing; figuring out one piece of the bigger picture one realization at a time. The phone mechanic is awesome, it makes it way more relatable. Like you are taking a peek into someone's life. I became invested in the story and characters.

Mag. Jan 18, 2021     

This may tackle a tricky subject, but it does not warrant the price, as the game was over almost as soon as it began. The story was alright, yet all the mystery was completely removed by the main character just telling you everything off the bat. The other characters were shallow and stereotypical. The puzzles were just shoved in there to slow you down, they added nothing to the gameplay other than frustration.

Oce. W. May 12, 2021     

A short, but ultimately uplifting, story about a person living in a small town and struggling with their identity. The game is similar to a visual novel, but includes some light puzzles in the form of detective work as you dig through a stranger's phone for passwords and pincodes. However it won't take you much longer than a few hours to finish, even if you're thorough.

Hei. F. Aug 27, 2020     

It felt a bit short and the ending was sudden, but it was nice. Even though it didn't take long to complete, there is a lot of information and backstory in the game, and I can appreciate all the work that went into writing it. The characters are relatable and it was fun exploring and finding out new paths to open. Pretty realistic representation of the LGBTQ+ community, with lots of good and accurate info.

Jen. T. Sep 3, 2019     

Really interesting and intriguing adventure game with a dramatic and insightful twist. The "puzzles" aren't terribly hard but it took me a while to figure a few of the numbers out. I really liked it, especially the diversity storytelling aspects. Good message, sad but very heartening ending. Good for Sam.

Ell. Jul 29, 2020     

Great game it kept me intrigued for a few hours (till I finished it) and I'll definitely be interested in the second one, I have no bugs to report or anything like that it was a seamless experience 11/10 game, great story, simple controls, amazing! Soundtrack, it's just a great experience. If you ever have some time and money I would get this it's well worth it.

Sab. M. Apr 20, 2020     

I decided to play this one after trying Laura's story and loving it. This one is fantastic as well, but had a lot more reading than necessary, I think. A few stories could've been left out since they weren't relevant. But, overall, great story! The ending was slightly disappointing, actually. *spoiler alert!!!* I wish they would've left a note behind for the family to reach out when/if they could accept their new life. Disappearing completely was honestly cruel. The parents DID love them.

Fel. R. Oct 9, 2021     

Excellent game! You get invested in the phone owner's story pretty easily and feel compelled to finish the game in one sitting. The puzzles were very intuitive and easy to figure out. Lovely art style and music too! The protagonist needs to learn how to come up with safer passwords though, jk jk

Chr. H. Jan 9, 2021     

This game is amazing. The UI of it is very unique and intuitive. The way you learn things slowly through the story is wonderful and by the end I felt very invested in the characters. I got it through play pass for free and had very little expectations, but this game is well worth the little they're charging for it.

Kev. B. Feb 21, 2021     

While the theme, visuals, music, and idea are great, this game is let down by some frankly terrible writing. The main character has all the personality of a doorknob and types like a bad AI. The conversations flow unnaturally, the dialogue is very contrived and self-serving, and the majority of the characters type the exact same and have zero personality. For a game that relies so heavily on reading, it was quite the letdown.

Thr. A. Apr 14, 2020     

Minor spoiler: The game relies on dialogues to make the gameplay seem long, but the puzzles are short since there's only like 5 to solve. Given the price, I expected more. I know it's a story driven game, but it doesn't feel like a mystery solving game, it's just reading blocks of texts. Major spoiler: The password for sam-ting-else is a bit of a stretch (i.e., kinda random). Other passwords made sense, but for this one you have to brute force every numbers you encountered and it's frustrating.

A. G. u. Jan 4, 2019     

This game was truly amazing. The plot was interesting and it really felt like someone else's phone. It was no where near predictable and the graphics were really beautiful. I'm giving it 4 stars mainly because of the explanation. At some points it was hard to me to get to the next stage of the game and I had to look it up on the internet. That's the only bad thing I can say about the game. Advice for the Devs: Put in a hint system. Just some vague hints could help solve the riddles.

A. G. Nov 25, 2020     

I really enjoyed the story behind this and found it to be relatable. My only problem was the color scheme. Reading it was harsh on my eyes and gave me a headache. Would be nice if it could have a setting to change that. Despite that though, I played until the end because I found it truly immersive. Thank you for representing the LGBT community on all sides: good, bad, and ugly. Not everyone has terrible experiences or feels the same during the coming out process, so it was wonderful to see.

ike. 0. Jun 15, 2020     

Was pretty good, liked the story line and kinda relate to the situation. I really want to leave my hometown and enjoy life but im stuck here. For a paid game it doesnt have as much content as it should and i had to look at a walkthrough to figure out how to find some passwords. But other than that it was awesome, highly recommend for a quick story game

Rus. R. R. Nov 22, 2019     

The basic idea is ok but it's EXTREMELY short for a game that costs this much. Like maybe an hour of gameplay if you're a quick reader. Just when you think it's getting started, it ends! I also don't like that everything is cartoonish rather using real pictures and looking like a real phone.