• Absolutely Nothing 1
  • Absolutely Nothing 2

Absolutely Nothing

Have you ever met someone and, like, when you see their face, all you can really think is, "Why?"
Because I'm having one of those moments. Right now. With you.

Seriously, what are you even still doing here? Who sent you? How did you come across this? Did you really just type "Nothing" into the search bar and think, "Man, I wonder what kind of interesting, time-worthy apps are listed under such a promising name?" Because there's nothing. There is literally nothing. I'm not sure a name could be more straight-forward if it tried.

Like, who the freaknuts has this kind of time to waste reading a full description about nothing. Was the short summary not enough information for you? Was there really a pressing need to know more?

Because there isn't anymore to know. There was never anything to know to start with. There was nothing. There was literally (figuratively) nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Do people just not trust one another anymore. Is that it? Do you not trust me? I recognize that the internet is this big, scary place, full of hundreds of millions of those weird strangers your kindergarten teacher may or may not have warned you to be wary of. "People are mean and nasty," they might have said. "They will always be there to troll and Rick Roll you," they may have added.

But I assure you, sweet baby child, I am no Astley. If anything, getting this app on your device is only gonna let you down. So I would suggest you give up while you've still got something left in the dignity cup.

I know Freddy Mercury once wrote, "Nothing really matters," in that one song with the thunderbolts that, for the longest time, I was convinced was about a dude getting the death penalty for murdering some random after being stupid enough to tell his mother about it (what a snitch, am I right?)--though a friend later said it was some kind of allegory for AIDS, though who really even knows anymore--but I seriously doubt he meant this app to be the subject of that sentence. As anyone should be able to see.

I mean, I honestly feel like there are very few things that you could be doing with your time right now that would make less sense than reading this description (though one of those few things would be actually downloading the application. A second would be opening it. My imagination doesn't stretch much further than that.).

2,352 characters into this, and I've still got you? Congratulations! Wanna know what you've won for your perseverance? You guessed it--jack shiz. You have won nothing. You get nothing. Absolutely nothing. You don't even get this app. You can only get this app by clicking the download button, but I have zero idea why you would even bother to do that at this point. It does nothing. What would be the point? What are you trying to prove.

I don't know you. I don't know your life. All I know is that you're wasting your time, reading this, when you've probably got better things lined up on your to-do list. I know I do. I'm not even sure why I'm here anymore. I've got so much to do, and so little time to finish. My procrastination level is reaching Expert. I would say it's over 9,000, but this box has a 4k character limit.

I'm putting more effort in to telling you off than most people put into making their OKCupid profiles. I don't even have to ask myself if that's a good or bad thing, because we all know that's terrible. For both sides.

As the sun begins to set, my room is slowly getting darker, and I honestly can't even be bothered to get up to turn a light on. I haven't eaten dinner. I'm feeling pretty thirsty. But, no, I'm still here. Still typing up text. Feeling so overwhelmed by the weight of my compiling list of responsibilities that I'm seriously considering just rolling over and going to sleep when I finally hit submit. I wonder how long it will take for this thing to go live. I wonder why in the ever-loving world you're still here.

Like, seriously. Seriously? What are you doing? What has this world come to?

I'm done.

Category : Casual

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Reviews (27)

Dan. G. May 22, 2016     

This app taught me to stop being a passive consumer and to do something productive with my life. So I'm proud to announce that I will no longer download literally anything from Google Play, and I've begun thinking about potential #innovative startup ideas so I can create an app and cash out when Google buys me out.

Ale. D. Jun 8, 2017     

It's 0.92 megabytes, I've seen many actual somethings smaller than this app. You keep your persona of truth and trust and nothing, but I know there is something. Someone will find the deep secrets within, but it won't be me. I'm uninstalling and giving 2 stars because of the lie. There is something, but maybe only the developer knows what it is. I can only hope one day the truth will be revealed. I just don't want to install it it reveal it myself.

A. G. u. Jul 1, 2018     

This app features false advertising :( The title clearly says "absolutely nothing" when in reality, the concept of nothing is something. The background is also white. Did any one else learn that white is every color? Joking. Sorry to be so harsh.

Rav. Jul 10, 2017     

This game brings joy to my depressed soul. I never thought I could smile again untill i bought this masterpiece. In some ways it reminds me of a mix of Hamilton and GTA. It is truly God sent.

S. C. Sep 17, 2017     

This is the best thing for laphter, i thought just for jokes, install and open it. I then found the text and I cracked up laphing! XD Thx for creating this

Abh. S. May 21, 2015     

This app displayed text, clearly false advertising. It does something.

Fah. K. May 21, 2015     

This app is great. Very dank. 420/420 would meme again

Dog. B. B. Dec 18, 2015     

Finally! Someone also with a twisted mind! Thank you for an app that does absolutely nothing for me have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I love your thinking.

Die. R. Nov 10, 2015     

Pretty cool . never seen that coming at all.

A. G. u. Apr 12, 2016     

Awesome!It had so many functions and things to do!!(Sarcastic Toriel is being sarcastic)

Mar. E. Dec 14, 2015     

Never download this garbage. There is something inside the app.

Yuk. Sep 9, 2016     

Haha haha! O my goodness I love this app this was so uncalled for I prank my friends now and their like "....what the duck...." And it's so funny. The first time I saw this I was like "hmm....very interesting game or whatever it is..." Then when I opened the app I was going through it and after I was done I was literally...on the floor...laughing. I almost died. Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha Hanahahahahahahahaha

Tay. F. May 21, 2015     

Seriously. I can't think of anything.

Hug. P. May 21, 2015     

This app is everything my life was missing. I could not ask more of it! 10/10

Дэй. П. May 22, 2015     

Did exactly what I thought it would.

Kev. Apr 5, 2017     

Its His themes playing I have dezer the feells

The. Z. Aug 8, 2017     

Gr8 m8 8/8 would r8 again.

A. G. u. Mar 15, 2018     

One day the settings option will do something.

sem. Jan 25, 2016     

I used this just to change the icon, so thanks

Der. H. Nov 30, 2015     

What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Lol

A. G. u. Apr 17, 2017     

I actually wasn't REALLY expecting nothing. I was expecting something, but I guess this was a prank. Oh, well. Still like the message.

Sib. D. M. Oct 13, 2015     

A must have app for every Android device 10/10

hah. n. Jul 18, 2016     

This app told me I can trust the person who made it

Mar. F. Sep 10, 2016     

I love this game so much! The story's so deep!

Tho. H. Jan 5, 2016     

It does NOT do nothing

Rya. C. May 21, 2015     

Does exactly what it says

Eth. M. Apr 7, 2018