• ActiveCampaign Deals CRM 1
  • ActiveCampaign Deals CRM 2

ActiveCampaign Deals CRM

The ActiveCampaign Deals CRM App is everything you need for the salesperson on-the-go.

Check contact information, make calls, and update deals while you’re in the field. All the information you need is always in your pocket.

Keep your deals flowing

Check up on the health of your deals, and make notes so that no deal slips through the cracks.

Call or email contacts on the go

Place calls, send emails, and immediately take notes and update deal information from the app.

Manage contacts in one place

Easily search contacts, check information, edit details, and add new contacts while you’re on the go.

Note: ActiveCampaign Deals CRM requires a paid ActiveCampaign account.

Category : Business

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Reviews (30)

Nee. S. Apr 28, 2022     

I think everyone considering buying this app or purchasing a subscription through active campaign should read this first. A while back I got a little ahead of myself and signed up for something I wasnt quite ready for. I reached out to them after months of not following through with my side of things, and told them My situation. They were very professional and curtious and really came through for me when I really needed it. So keep in mind that thats the type of business you'll be dealing with.

A. G. u. Dec 15, 2018     

Doesn't let you see campaigns and do simple actions like resend a campaign. Doesn't let you see campaign performance analytics. Doesn't allow list management, like creating segments. This literally only lets you see your list of contacts. The only use I can think of is to add someone on the spot if you make an acquaintance out, but that seems like a minor need. The app for an email marketing tool should allow email/campaign management on the go. Very disappointing.

Mon. J. Sep 24, 2021     

The app is a thing that exists. That's all. I was hoping to, at the minimum, see my lists and how many are on them so I can track some new efforts. Well, I can see all my contacts. Individually. In the order they opted in. It's like asking for a menu at a restaurant and getting a list of the names of the dishes and then having to click each one to find out if it's an appetizer, main course, or dessert. 1 star for having the app 1 star for having up to date info. Do better Active Campaign!!

Ste. J. B. Feb 21, 2022     

In some ways using the app on the Android phone is actually easier than using on the computer especially for following up on tasks. It's a pretty basic app but good enough for my purposes

Sha. H. Oct 5, 2021     

Not overly excited about the latest app update. Considering the market share held my Android devices compared to Apple, the Android device still needs work. For example, in some countries, mobile reception is sketchy if none existant. I know. Hard to believe. An offline form for the Android App would be a great addition.

And. R. Jun 11, 2021     

The app is good, as far as it goes. The tools are well laid out and clear and there are useful key metrics available to keep an eye on campaign performance. However, it would be good to be able to drill down and get more data - eg I can see that 25% of my audience clicked on this link, but as a small organisation I know my customers, so WHICH customers clicked, and which unsubscribed? Unless I'm missing it, that sort of thing is not available yet, so that would be a nice addition.

Rya. L. Jul 23, 2021     

The app is okay but lacks functionality restricting you from getting into your automations etc. It's a good quick view when you are on the road but not very functional. At some point I would hope with all the funding they move into integration with Gmail to allow for you to a sync.

Kyl. M. Sep 1, 2021     

What is the point? I pay about $150 per month for AC, and the app limits me to looking at individual campaigns and individual contacts. Nothing else... But saves room for two features I don't have access to (tasks and deals) on the main menu bar. Trash. Even Mailchimp has a better app.

Mic. T. Dec 1, 2020     

I would like to have the ability to see who has been clicking links or unsubscribing. The information is very basic. The app is getting better. As things improve and it becomes better at functioning, I will increase my review. Activecampaign as a company has been great to work with!

Ben. M. Jun 11, 2021     

We use ActiveCampaign from start to finish for all our customer interactions, and it has been a real game changer. Very intuitive interface and makes sharing information across the company so easy. Highly recommended.

Sam. H. Apr 25, 2019     

App seems to have plateaued at a contact management/view your pipeline stage missing many functions of the CRM. Understand that they don't want to include features for the sake of it but would be nice for it to do a bit more than it does at the moment.

Pet. V. D. R. Feb 2, 2020     

Only can see email addresses, not even phone number. So totally useless for ringing clients on the go. Desktop version also needs a massive overhaul of UI, I would suggest a dark mode.Very poorly designed.

DR.. T. T. Sep 15, 2019     

Beta version doesn't do anything other than the let you see and enter contacts. Hardly an app version of the crm. And active campaigns full site doesn't work on mobile. So... You're forced to use a desktop/laltop computer like it's 2012

Jon. P. May 25, 2019     

Tried every username in our account with every password, and can't log in. Can't even say whether it is good or not, but at the moment, it is the least useful app on my phone.

Pau. G. Jul 31, 2020     

Initially had a problem with the app not performing properly. Great response from the developer and now the app works exactly as expected. Four stars for the features but five stars purely for the service response.

Rob. T. Aug 27, 2021     

Broke on update. Android App just displays a 'we encountered an error' error. No info for any tabs I'd displayed. Can log out of the app to try to reset. Update: reinstalled app and wiped app data.

Ken. P. Aug 27, 2020     

I would like to be able to schedule & send emails through the app. I need to use the pc to use these features of active campaign. Would like to be able to use & setup automations with emails as well

Chr. B. Feb 9, 2022     

How does an app with this many users not have more functionality? No chat capabilities, for real?

Ale. H. May 6, 2021     

Active Campaign is built on legacy PHP software and it shows. The web app is very slow to load and has bugs. Newer competitors are much more pleasant to use.

Dar. C. Sep 26, 2020     

Such a shame, being an active campaign user I would have hoped they would have an app that I could view my dashboard for campaigns and reports. This, not even sure who it's for - it literally does nothing!

Gio. C. Jan 27, 2021     

I have an android but iPhone users have the option to create a new contact as they create a new account. Why is that possible in the android version. Saves so much time entering new contacts.

Dam. G. Mar 11, 2021     

ActiveCampaign has all of the features we need and the transition from desktop to mobile is seamless.

Car. J. D. Nov 19, 2021     

All I can see are contacts and deals. This doesn't help me at all. At least let me see campaigns. Let me know when you have more functionality, I'll try again. Rev: 2021 and nothing has been done. Why even have it?

How. S. Nov 10, 2020     

I have never been treated so poorly as a paying customer before. This company has a unreasonable opt in policy and proceeded to tell me they would not allow me to email my own customers after reviewing my account. They never took the time to speak with me nor cared to understand my business. After taking the time to step up accounts, produce content and import my contacts I had to find another company and restart which was painful as a new business. Would not recommend, stay clear.

Sop. C. May 29, 2020     

It literally does nothing I need, not even show me how many contacts are on a list :( very disappointed because Activecampaign is actually awesome!

Ter. W. Sep 19, 2020     

It's 100% better than the alternatives I have use for ActiveCampaign. It makes working remotely a heck of a lot easier.

Muh. S. Dec 31, 2021     

Thanks Developer! Nice App, Easy to use I will give you 5 star and recommend you for others...

Ida. B. Feb 26, 2022     

It has made callings prospects easier.

Ygo. C. Sep 4, 2021     

Without automations this is pretty much useless to me. Very disappointing app, unfortunately.

BRA. P. Nov 3, 2021     

Very useful and convenient application this is indeed. You won't regret pressing that install button.