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Advance SEO Secret Guide

Advance SEO techniques to optimize/grow your Business and Websites Consistently

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results.

SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

Advance SEO Secret Guide basically offers step by step procedures on how to Optimize your Websites, mobile and YouTube Channel. This app goes as far as:
Defining and explaining the key processes in SEO ,
Provides additional resources or tools that can help you perfect Search engine optimization for your Business.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) being the activity of optimizing Website pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results, this app provides the knowledge needed for you to master SEO.

The Advance SEO Secret guide focuses on providing the methods on how to implement SEO of the most common parts. This app provides the following

- What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Advance Keyword Research : Provides good answers to questions such as

What are your priority keywords? Why?
How hard is it to get to page 1 in Google for any given term on the list?
Why are some keywords losing rankings?
What keywords should go in the title tag of your home page?

# How to find a Perfect Keyword for SEO
# Keyword Analysis
# Your website (authority, number of pages, quality of content, etc);
# Your goals and objectives (branding, exposure, traffic, leads, sales);
# Your budget, resources and deadlines;
# Your industry and competitive landscape.
# Site/Page Analysis
# Web page Optimization
# Mobile Optimizes Websites
# Content and Keyword
# Long tail Keyword : Long tail keywords are those three and four keyword phrases which are very, very specific to whatever you are selling. You see, whenever a customer uses a highly specific search phrase, they tend to be looking for exactly what they are actually going to buy.

# Back-links: Backlinks are incoming links to a webpage. When a webpage links to any other page, it's called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tended to rank higher on all major search engines, including Google.

# Social Media
# YouTube Video SEO(Search Engine Optimization):
- Simple Tips and tricks to optimize your YouTube channel getting your videos on the top of the Search page for your keyword.

Category : Business

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Reviews (13)

Rom. T. May 22, 2019     

The best overall SEO Guide written. While the chapters are short I'v read hundreds of short SEO how-tos and I rank this at the very top, as a super well written no-no sense SEO checklist guide. Rarely do I learn anything new anymore, yet the pagespeed advice and the recommended plug-ins for Wordpress, as well as all the referral links all top notch. Especially endearing to me is there are no typos and grammar problems; it is so very rare to find this. I would hire this writer to do my own SEO.

Ole. G. Apr 12, 2020     

App with a lot outdated content. Useless, not worth your time. All articles are thin in content without expertise. There are plenty more useful blogs and magazines in web than this application.

chi. m. o. Feb 11, 2021     

The App is okay. My only concern is how to monetize (Earn money) from the valuable knowledge gained from using it. I wish I could convert the lessons learnt from using it to earning financially. My major interest. I need your guidance on this. Thank you.

Vis. B. Jan 13, 2022     

Very helpful and very good information provided in this application. Best for beginners.

Mas. N. May 4, 2020     

Simple and clear explanation.

hai. z. May 16, 2020     

Very very helpful specially for beginners!

Vir. V. Mar 13, 2022     

Useless app. InAccurate & Full of bugs

Pra. K. Sep 25, 2019     

Very Good Notes on SEO, Thank You

Anj. A. Apr 11, 2020     

This is a good app for your work you can use this app

Tim. S. Sep 16, 2018     

I need advance guide on Blogging

Mob. G. Aug 30, 2019     

Love the app

Fra. F. o. F. E. R. J. Apr 1, 2021     

Wirks great

Fra. Z. Oct 23, 2017     

Thank you for the app