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Agape Christian Singles

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”… Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NLT).
Are you a christian and single (Never married, Divorced & Widowed)? Are you looking for your soul mate, activity partners, someone to pray with, or just a friend to talk to? Agape Christian Singles(ACS) is the #1 Nigeria’s Christian Singles community, dedicated to connecting Christian Singles in Nigeria.

We maintain Biblical values, and offer you a smut-free dating site – an online christian community. Our singles are from various backgrounds, churches, and ethnicities: Meeting Christian singles has never been more exciting and convenient.
It’s FREE to join and there is no cost for a Standard Membership.

❤️Only active profiles
We value quality over quantity. All our photos and profiles belong to singles who recently logged in at Agape Christian Singles. And they’d love to hear from you! We hide inactive profiles, so you’ll never send messages to singles long gone.

❤️More than just a dating site
Are you looking for activity partners, a support network, or new friends? You’ve come to the right place. We’re more than a dating site. We’re a faith building community for singles longing to radiate Jesus. Our aim is to proclaim and celebrate God’s love, glory and majesty.

❤️Your safety is our number one priority
Our staff works around the clock to keep bad people out. Every profile and every single photo is manually reviewed. Abuse is detected and dealt with swiftly by our advanced monitoring tools. And you can report unsavory or suspicious activity to us with a single click.

❤️We respect your privacy
Unfortunately, social network sites have a bad reputation when it comes to privacy. However, at Agape Christian Singles, you are the master of your own profile. You control who’s allowed to contact you, and who gets to see your profile. And we’ll never share your personal data with anyone.

❤️Take the first step
Don’t sit and wait until that one cute single sends you a message. Instead, take the lead and start writing. Ladies, this applies to you, too. Birthdays are a great occasion to send the first message and wish someone a happy birthday. Also, you can welcome new members; as the saying goes: “The early bird catches the worm”.

❤️Remember you’re a representative of Christ
Mind your manners and your language. Stay friendly and polite. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Let your gentleness be evident to all. Remember that the singles you’re meeting here at Agape Christian Singles are your brothers and sisters in Christ.

❤️Involve the Lord in your quest
While searching for your soul mate, don’t lean on your own understanding, but pray frequently about it. Ask for God’s guidance, while reading your Bible regularly. Then the Holy Spirit will reveal God’s perfect plan for your life and future relationships. Do not be anxious about anything.Allow the Lord to go before you. Listen to his voice —He is the good Shepherd.

Category : Dating

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Reviews (18)

Umu. U. N. Mar 21, 2021     

This application is not working on my phone. Pls how do I delete my account? I texted agape on WhatsApp and and sent email,no response till date. Pls, again,how do i delete my account? The application is not working on my phone, I can't upload picture etc.

Bol. G. Jul 23, 2019     

Waow, At first I was wondering how it will look like and how helpful it will be but opening the app makes me want to share it with all my friends out there, it's really a great app for Christian singles.

ime. e. Aug 14, 2019     

I must confess, this is a great app for meeting Christian singles.I thought I have to pay but I was given free Gold package. This app is really a blessing. 👍

Uta. S. Jul 5, 2020     

Wont let you put email whoever designed it needs to fix it I also read someone else on here had the same problem so it's obvious they dont care to fix it very disappointing

mar. s. Apr 8, 2021     

I can't input my email talkless of having access to site,. It is just installed and no access to even access it

joy. i. Jun 7, 2021     

This app is very slow for my liking and sometimes I don't even understand how the app works, please improve if is possible thanks

mau. a. Sep 9, 2019     

Difficult to register to this app. They ask for my email address if I write it keeps telling me invalid address

Ric. O. Jul 23, 2019     

Awful, since it's a new app, I will wait till you make the necessary updates like approving profile and been able to contact you through the app

MAR. N. Dec 26, 2020     

This is the best app for genuine born again christian wishing to get a marriage partner or friends, just the best.Admin keep it up.

sam. D. Aug 12, 2019     

Can't upload DP... Can't edit profile... Think it should be looked into

fai. p. Dec 11, 2020     

Wow am over the moon I have not yet found what am looking for but already I can see there's God here may God bless the man or woman who came with this amazing concept of this app thank you so much!

Olu. O. Jul 21, 2019     

Great user experience. Good App for Christian singles

Abu. A. Jan 25, 2021     

When I send a message, why is not reflecting here? How do I delete my account pls?

Sno. M. Aug 1, 2021     

Why is tis not specific only in Nigeria? Other countries r not found!!!!

Ola. A. Jul 22, 2019     

A great app for Christian singles.....

Fri. S. Nov 14, 2021     

I can't log in have try different user name

Ric. R. Jan 19, 2020     

I put in my email and it keeps saying not a email

Ola. B. Jan 13, 2021     

I hope to meet my soul mate here!