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AgileMD is a free, easy-to-use app that provides access to trusted point-of-care handbooks, clinical protocols and care notes across multiple specialties.
Over 30,000 physicians, residents, and medical students rely on AgileMD to quickly find trust information and provide the best possible care. AgileMD is designed from the ground-up for clinical settings and operates without a fixed cellular or WiFi signal.

Our user support team is available 24/7 to help answer questions: http://agilemd.com/support

Terms of Service are available here: http://agilemd.com/about/terms-of-useOur privacy policy is available here: http://agilemd.com/about/privacy-policy

Category : Medical

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Reviews (30)

A. G. u. Jan 30, 2018     

To now limit this in scope, requiring us to be partnered is short sighted. After the residents leave their training center, most will work in situations that you are now discriminating against. I guess you want Epocrates and Pepid to have more business. I can still utilize those. Someone informed me MD Calc also is easier to access. Right now this is wasted space on my phone.

Bry. N. Jul 21, 2017     

Great resource, however I also can no longer access the ucsf handbook after the update. The only option provided for me on the app is to repurchase.

Jen. C. Nov 14, 2017     

Used to be my favourite app but it is such a shame to limit access to partner group only. Uninstalling...

Fra. P. Jul 16, 2017     

I downloaded the app but it wouldn't allow me to create a user account or even less log in, it is frustrating. ..

Ano. G. Sep 22, 2017     

Was a great app but now I can't access anything from it due to new update which seems to only let you use the app if you are with a hospital or organization partnered with it.

Cla. C. Jun 26, 2017     

I had purchased the ucsf hospitalist handbook and then with the update I couldn't access it and it wanted me to purchase it again

Wil. V. Jul 7, 2017     

Invaluable resource. Used for clinicals, and residency.

A. G. u. Sep 26, 2017     

Terrible,not up to date

Gor. L. Jun 10, 2017     

After the update, it won't let me access any resources I've purchased. Used to be 5/5 star resource.

Jar. L. Jun 7, 2017     

Completely stopped working for my galaxyS8

A. G. u. Mar 2, 2017     

Removal of the favorites function made this app much less useful.

A. G. u. Jan 6, 2017     

I extensively use this app for The Hospitalist Handbook. This is my first and only review for any app, and it's just to express my gratitude. Intern year would be way harder if I didn't have this. As a request, is it possible to have a highlighting feature or is any other app compatible to highlight some of the content? Many thanks!

A. G. u. Sep 11, 2016     

Can't see the resource library. Tried to resync, just wiped what I already had. Won't download or even show any resources, including what I've paid for. Tried to reset the app and now I can't even login. Totally broken for several months now.

Dr.. N. Jul 26, 2017     

I have downloaded the app but only few University guidelines are coming. Not able to assess everything in a single app. It's irritating.

Muh. A. Jun 23, 2015     

Please add more resources like that in omnio and skyscape.

Vin. B. Jun 15, 2015     

The most handy conscise step-wise patient centred med resource that's out there.

adi. r. c. Apr 29, 2015     

Gud app for quick reviews. . Need to add more

Sha. S. S. Apr 12, 2015     

Thank you for this. Looking forward for more....

Rus. F. Mar 18, 2015     

I can't access the library. Says please try again later. Happening for three days now....help?

Sye. S. A. Jan 22, 2015     

Use it primarily for the hospitalist handbook and it worked fine until a recent update and it continously crashes.

Kri. C. M. Jan 19, 2015     

A decent app with a good collection of various resources. But it Would be great if there are few more resources like sub speciality consult series, Washington's manual, CMDT etc.

Hen. J. P. P. Jan 13, 2015     

Amazing App. All in your hands 👐

Ruh. S. Jan 24, 2015     

Overall good but crashes

Ali. A. Nov 26, 2014     

Need more to be added (resources)

ano. c. Sep 22, 2014     

Loved it...

sur. s. Sep 3, 2014     

Thanks a lot, useful.

Rok. S. Apr 14, 2014     

Quite useful app, with a hiccup here and there,but the support is great, responses to mails on the same day (even on weekends) as well as feedback to ideas and it's integration. An app that is useful and makes fun to use it.

Ril. R. Feb 27, 2014     

I'm a student and use this app primarily for my own emergency notes. Very reliable and easy to navigate. Extremely helpful support team. Also find the biochem algorithms and ultrasound notes useful. Doesn't require internet connection which is great. Would be nice if I could share my files with others but assume this is in the pipeline

Lee. N. Feb 24, 2014     

Contains a ton of information useful for day-to-day management of disorders, particularly ones you do not see everyday but know there is an appropriate algorithm out there somewhere. I also love the how it is very evidence based with links to the original papers.

Fre. V. Feb 25, 2014     

This app is an incredible resource. I use many medical apps daily and this has become a go to for clinical decisions. The addition of the hospitalist handbook will only serve to improve the quality information from this app.