• Alphabet and Letters 1
  • Alphabet and Letters 2
  • Alphabet and Letters 3
  • Alphabet and Letters 4

Alphabet and Letters

Alphabet practice is a fun application that makes it easy for children to learn alphabet. Your child will learn the letters easily before the school with the Alphabet application.

Alphabet practice facilitates learning by presenting letters in audio and visual. Your child will recognize animals and objects with funny sounds that reinforce the letters with various animals and objects while playing with the Alphabet application.

The use of the alphabet application is quite simple. Each letter contains various objects and sounds. It is enough to use the right and left arrow keys to change objects. You can also switch between the letters on the detail page. It is enough to click the loudspeaker button for the animal or vehicle you want to listen to.

It is aimed that children learn alphabet and letters with educational items in alphabet practice. You will witness that your child easily learns the letters while playing with the alphabet application.

The alphabet application was developed for preschoolers and children at the beginning of the school. Appropriate Fun graphics and sounds allow children of all ages to get involved.

The alphabet application is suitable for all screen resolutions.

Category : Educational

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