• America's Economy for Tablet 1
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  • America's Economy for Tablet 3
  • America's Economy for Tablet 4

America's Economy for Tablet

Take the pulse of the U.S. Economy straight from your phone. The America’s Economy app provides real-time updates for 21 key economic indicators released from the U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Bureau of Economic Analysis. Key economic measures on employment, manufacturing, international trade, retail sales, and residential construction and sales allow those who follow the U.S. economy to be the first to see whether the indicator has gone up or down since the previous report, and trends over time.
Key Features

• Quick overview of indicators measuring the U.S. economy• Detailed page for each indicator with trend data• Share indicators on Facebook, Twitter and via email• View release schedules for indicators• Set up notifications and custom views


• Advance Monthly Retail Sales• Advance Report Durable Goods• Business Inventories• Construction Spending• Homeownership Rate• International Trade• Manufacturers’ Goods• Monthly Wholesale• New Residential Construction• New Residential Sales• Personal Income• QFR
- Manufacturing• QFR – Retail Trade• Quarterly Services Survey• Real Gross Domestic Product• Unemployment Rate• Consumer Price Index• Producer Price Index• Nonfarm Payroll• Rental Vacancy Rate

Category : Business

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Reviews (10)

Chr. N. Dec 13, 2012     

Decent app..... Takes waaaaay too long to load and crashes most of the time while loading..... also needs an exit button

A. G. u. Aug 18, 2012     

Why is it so difficult to put an exit option. When I'm done, I just want to close the app. I can't back out or exit. Why?

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

The summary numbers are nice to browse through. But... it's really frustrating to see an app that doesn't follow *any* of the Android user interface guidelines get five-star ratings. I'm sure the U.S. Census bureau wanted to save development money, which yes ultimately is tax dollars, so they just ported their iPhone app using a cross-platform toolkit. But even so, couldn't they at least have put the settings and menu on the ActionBar? Or used UI fragments so there wouldn't be a need for separate phone and tablet apps? The whole point of the Android UI design is that one app can fit all devices. I even had to install the "phone" version on my Nexus 7, which is clearly a tablet. That's pretty inexcusable. This is a 1.0, and I'd happily rate higher if they'd actually give Android a bit more love here in the next few updates.

A. G. u. Aug 10, 2012     

All official U.S. economic data at your fingertips...current, beautifully organized and displayed, thoughtfully analyzed, and clearly explained. Nice features such as email and push notifications of new data releases, calendar of upcoming releases, graphs over adjustable time frames, social media link-ins, etc. So far I've found no bugs at all - unusual for a brand-new Android app. My only suggestions: (1) Where's the CPI? (2) It would be nice to be able to generate comma-delimited files of these data, for plugging into spreadsheets...but because this is available elsewhere it's hardly a deal-breaker. All the data available through this app are available elsewhere, but nowhere else are they so nicely presented and readily accessible. If the details of the health of the US economy matter to you, you need this extremely sophisticated app.

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

Obviously built by some iOS-centric designers. Lots of work went into making it look and function like iOS. Bouncy overscroll, iOS pop-ups, and the same limited share options. Content is good, but the interface is annoying.

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

Will not work on xoom

A. G. u. Aug 10, 2012     

Good app. Very touch oriented. The calendar is really useful. App initialization did take a while even under wifi.

Ami. R. Nov 2, 2015     

App does not respond after opening, its stuck!

A. G. u. Aug 13, 2012     

I have the first Gen Xoom, obviously a slower unit for newer apps, but this app performs well- which is surprising, given the insane amount of data at my finger tips!

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

Detailed and to the point.