• American Civil War game FULL 1
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American Civil War game FULL

For strategy enthusiasts only!
This is the single player FULL version of The American Civil War, a risk-like turn-based strategy game. There is a demo version if you want to try the app before buying (named "Civil War strategy & risk game"
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kbasic.theamericancivilwar_free). You can play the scenario all the way to the end until victory or defeat
- without ads!

Game rules of American Civil War
- History Games

GoalThe goal of this Turn-based grand strategy wargame is to control all states of the USA when you play North. If you play South, you need to survive 50 turns to win. A game last about 2 hours.

SidesYou may play the United States (North) or the Confederate States (South).

Game elementsThere is the main map showing the US states. North territories are marked as blue and South territories are marked as red. Each state can have troops, generals and fortifications. Neutral territories are shown in gray.

ReinforcementTroops consist of cavalry, infantry and artillery. New troops can be placed in your homestates only and must be moved to the battle fronts from there.

Movement and AttackMovement and attacks are possible between neighbour territories only. When you plan to attack consider your morale level and troop strength compared to your enemy's. First press on the origin territory and then on the destination territory. Select then the amount of troops to move or attack.

TerrainStates can have woods, plains, hills and so on. Which are only to be considered to give the defender of a state a certain bonus.

TransportationCrossing rivers and the Atlantic ocean is possible if you own a related card. You can always cross rivers if both the origin and destination territory is held by you.

Railway transporationLarge massive troops can be transported across the country by using the railway transportation card.

Crossing mountainsThe Appalachian Mountains seperating several states of North and South can only be crossed if you own the special card.

BattlesAfter you hit the next turn button, your moves and your enemy's move are considered and executed in abritary order. If it comes to a battle, you have the option to use special battle cards to help the outcome of the battle in your intension. All battles are automatically played by the computer (future version of this game will allow to take command in the battles). Each battle have 20 turns, if the attacker is not able to control all fields in the middle of the map seperating the two sides, he or she will lose. The fighting power is directly influeced by the Morale Level, Generals, fortifications, terrain and random throws.

CardsTwo groups of cards exists. The first group can be played on the main map, e.g. getting more reinforcement. The second group can be played before a battle starts only, .e.g changing the bonus level of your side. Cards can be exchanged for reinforcment (trade card) and vice versa (draw card).History and events cards are special cards which will have deep impact on the outcome of the game. You get new cards by random or if you win a new territory. There are history cards which will let you win battle regardsless of the chances of the attack.

FortificationsYou can build forts, trenches and telegraphs. Forts and trenches help you to defend your territories. Telegraphs will show you the number of enemy's troops in their neighbourhoods.

TerritoriesIf you double tip on a territory controlled by you, you will see details about stationed troops.

Sea BattlesThe Naval Level shows your navy strength. The outcome of naval battles are automatically calculated. This level determines the number of troops which can be moved across rivers and oceans. If your navy is supriour to your enemy's navy, a blockade is made reducing the enemy's reinforcement capabilites.

Category : Strategy

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Reviews (6)

Nea. C. Jul 7, 2021     

Unplayable. The game constantly crashes.

Kev. B. May 14, 2019     

the game crashes all the time after about 3/4 minutes.

Mag. S. Jun 15, 2017     

Crashed into my enjoyment in battles on buggy Samsung Nougat. Sad now but willing to keep the faith in hopes of stability. Lovely execution and really nice vibe in graphics based on beautiful period maps and paintings. Real design talent evident in the game layout and style. Strategic game play very cool. Will it work on my kitkat tablet? Excellent someday...

Tho. P. Jun 30, 2017     

Excellent, but I wish I could invade as the US Canada while it's neutral, but that's a minor problem. If possible, could you make a similar game about the Battle of France in 1940 or the Western Front in World War I?

Sha. B. Sep 19, 2016     

Keep up the awesome work!

And. V. M. Mar 30, 2017     

Loved it best civil war game on play store right now