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American Presidents

Powerful browsing tool for the full list of American Presidents in history. A great educational app for all.
Powerful listing options include: Browse by party, by name, by religion, by birth state, shortest/longest presidency, oldest/youngest presidents, shortest/longest lived, was assassinated, died while in office, lost re-election, resigned, or list all.

A powerful statistics option as well that includes stats for by party, by birth state, by religion.

Sort options by Name, Order, Presidency Length, Age Elected, Age at death, Religion, Birth State.

A details view is provided for every president, with a more button to view a more complete profile on the web.

A great tool for all the U.S. history lovers, and any knowledge loving person.

Category : Education

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Reviews (1)

Fab. M. Jun 2, 2014     

A great application with a lot of insight on the American president's history.