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GS III Identity is now "AndroIDentity": it correctly identifies not only Samsung Galaxy S III devices, but over 12,700 devices from dozens of manufacturers.
Can you tell you if you have a GENUINE Android phone/tablet or a cheap fake / counterfeit? This app can!

Due to the high number of fake Android devices hitting the market, usually undistinguisheable from the real devices, it is necessary for people to know if they have a real, genuine device, and got what they paid for.

This app does exactly that: it reads the hardware signature of the device and tries to match it with an internal database of over 12,700 known signatures. It will then tell what is your device's real brand and model.

If the signature read from your device doesn't match any of the known signatures, a "no match" message will be shown. That indicates you may have a fake device. However, in order to prevent false negatives, a series of other useful information is also displayed, letting you know for sure what the specs of your devices are and compare them against the manufacturers published specs.

The internal database is an improved version of Google's own device database, and there also an algorithm that will tell your if your device's fingerprint has been tampered with.

If you get a "no match" (or multiple matches) but you are sure you have a genuine model, just click on the "Identity" tab, type the name of the device you have on the Model edit box, click on the "Email" button and send me the identity read from your device so I can check the data and either confirm the diagnosis of a fake phone or update the application to include the new signature.

If you decide to submit the info to me, rest assured that absolutely no personal / unique info is sent.

Along with the new features, you can now also share the details of the discovered information with your usual sharing apps.

AndroIDentity is now "donationware": your donation is very welcome and you can do it from within the app, on the "Donate" tab. This donation will keep me motivated toimprove the devices database and algorithms to correctly identify fake, fraudulent and counterfeit devices.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (20)

Ang. m. h. Nov 20, 2020     

A great app for beginners it has really help me out thank you

Alb. J. Jun 17, 2018     

Help to have true identity of my samsung s2?

Ran. K. Aug 5, 2017     

If you don't like my hosts file at lest give a link to your paid version.

Squ. Jul 17, 2017     

Good but people with host ads, bewarned

Edo. R. Jun 14, 2016     

Nice Info

J. S. Nov 14, 2013     

This app said "no match" for my galaxy s3, I purchased this phone in store and watched them break the seal and activate it. I clicked the link in the app to email my phone's info for them to check but never got a reply. I definately wouldn't trust this app and attempt to verify the authenticity of a questionable galaxy.

Mar. S. Dec 27, 2013     

I know this is for galaxy s3, but I read could be used for this phone too (Note II) and all I can say is I am relieved. I bought it used from someone else and was a little bit worried. Great app

leg. M. May 8, 2014     

It gave me a relief I was doubting of my s3 NOW I realised it is real tx for the developer

Mak. V. Mar 5, 2014     

I love this app.. wipe my worries

Nik. S. Nov 10, 2014     

It can't spot this version of galaxy GT-I9301l!

Car. B. Nov 5, 2013     

I have a real S111

A. G. u. May 15, 2013     

Wat a relief

A. G. u. Nov 9, 2012     

Lol. I knew I had a genuine S3, just making sure the app works and yes, it does work.

A. G. u. Aug 19, 2017     

Excellent app. The developer support is great and fast, and the updates are frequent.

Sea. M. Aug 19, 2015     

I have a limited edition silver s3 mini and this says I don't have s3!WHAT THE HELL

Jay. T. Mar 6, 2013     

Just wanted to boost your stars for a cool app.

Tek. O. Nov 27, 2013     

Great app for checking authentication

Sha. S. Aug 1, 2014     

To know about og or duplicate

A. T. N. Jan 5, 2015     

Whos been selling my creations.

Col. L. Feb 3, 2014     

Does its job