• Ano: Journeys Through Tattoos 1
  • Ano: Journeys Through Tattoos 2
  • Ano: Journeys Through Tattoos 3
  • Ano: Journeys Through Tattoos 4

Ano: Journeys Through Tattoos

Traditional hand-tapped tattoos were a big part of the identities of Sarawak's indigenous tribes in the olden days. The tribes had their own unique designs and each design possessed a certain meaning or function, often to help them spiritually. In Journeys Through Tattoos, you get to learn more about these tattoos through fact-based fictional short stories and the ability to view the tattoo designs on your own arm in Augmented Reality! Each short story is based on a specific indigenous tribe in Sarawak and the deep meanings behind this now dying artform.

Category : Role Playing

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Reviews (1)

Ian. Nov 9, 2019     

It's really unique and interesting. Intrigued and can't wait to complete the game. :)