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AOL: Mail, News & Video

Stay informed, entertained and in touch with the AOL app.
Get fast-loading AOL Mail, trending videos and today’s headlines from your smartphone with the AOL app. Receive instant push notifications for breaking news and real-time email messages. Plus, check your AOL email, send messages, manage your inbox and access all your AOL and phone contacts. All that AOL brings you, now better than ever.

AOL Mail: Fast-loading, with new tools that save you time
- Instantly manage your AOL Mail from anywhere
- Access all your AOL and phone contacts easily, in one place
- Swipe to delete, move, mark or flag emails
- Tap just once to empty all trash and spam

AOL News: Today’s news, sports, weather and trending headlines
- all in the AOL app
- Stay up to date with all the latest Election 2016 news
- Read news and stories from popular sites like MovieFone, TechCrunch, StyleList, The Huffington Post, Daily Finance and AOL Sports
- Get instant push notifications for breaking news stories

AOL Video
- Whether it’s informative or for a quick LOL, enjoy video clips about what interests you most
- Find the top news stories, hottest entertainment buzz, and even funny pet videos
- Share your favorites with family and friends via AOL email, Facebook and Twitter

- Share articles, videos and more via AOL email, Facebook and Twitter
- Tap to check weather in your location

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Category : News & Magazines

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Reviews (28)

Lis. C. May 24, 2022     

I love aol, been using it since 2001. However, I am constantly having to uninstall & reinstall the app because I can't open my mail otherwise. I always update it when necessary & it still happens every few months. Other than that, it is a great app. Update... all my saved emails are all of a sudden gone. Really inconvenient for users to not be able to save things like that. I lost a lot of important content.

Jul. L. Mar 7, 2022     

An update a while ago created a lot of issues. It's easy to delete messages by mistake, reverts to portrait mode, keep as new sometimes doesn't work, etc. Now I can't reply to emails on my phone. When I start typing, it's not separate from the original email. I was able to write my message above the one I was replying to, now it's just part of it. It reformats text to change the font style & color & removes links. It scrolls to the end of the old email each time I write a few words.

Col. T. Apr 16, 2022     

Just barely usable. Also, deleted emails are put back in inbox over and over. Even with deleted items folder emptied. Next time I log in, there they are again. In the inbox. 3,725 emails I can't get rid of. Also, won't allow you to see the email address of the sender of received email. This is a MAJOR security issue. They appear disinterested in managing you email in an acceptable way.

Jef. A. Mar 7, 2022     

Whenever I open the app on the aol homepage I have to close the app and then reopen it in order to read the news stories on the aol homepage. If I don't close it and reopen it all I'll have is the photos that accompany each story. Nothing works to see the story except closing the app and reopening it. This is been going on for 2 years. Whenever there's an update I think this problem will be fixed but it's never fixed. Very annoying.

Mar. B. Mar 13, 2022     

I was unable to edit my review. AOL mail has slowed. Not all my folders show up when saving emails. Emails disappear and maybe show up later. Lately can't received emails with audio attachments. Been thru everything and chatted with Verizon. We don't know what the issue is. This started happening a bit over a week ago. Replying to emails is ridiculous. The screen keeps jumping down to the end of the email, develops lines on side makes the response area narrower. Every update makes it worse.

Bre. E. May 19, 2022     

Mail is great, everything else is terrible. I'm so tired of having opinion stories disguised as news shoved in my face every time I open the app. I can look at the hook of a "news" story and tell you exactly how the story is going to go. It would be really great if we could get some unbiased journalism and let the reader make up their own mind. I have used the mail function since the mid-90's and its great, let's stick with that.

Mar. D. May 22, 2022     

The app stopped loading everything yesterday. It will show my e mail from 1 day ago, but nothing else. Won't even let me into settings. And my connection is fine. Did as was advised it worked for 8 hours and stopped again. It's not right to be forced to use AOL mail app. I was using a 3rd party app I loved so much better. The app won't stay working and I hate having the news blasted at me every time I open the app.

Sue. H. Mar 28, 2022     

Reading emails fine. But when answering an email the screen keeps scrolling down to the bottom of the original sender email. So if you try to answer at bottom.. Recipient doesn't think to look at bottom of screen for answer. If you try to answer at top of new email, It is a nightmare as screen keeps scrolling to bottom and one constantly must scroll up to continue your thought. I finly switched to another AOL app. This was too aggravating!

Rid. Apr 23, 2022     

The new update *does* allow me to toggle between my two email addresses. The overall layout was hard to navigate at first. This is much better than the old format. Thank you. After a few hours of playing with it ( the new rev. AOL, Ha ! ) just like anything else, you get used to it and you learn how to work it properly. I'm okay with the new Rev. I would have placed some functions differently on the screen, overall it's okay. Now 4 Stars, for what it's worth. Nahh ... Make it 5.

Jer. R. Feb 19, 2022     

Terrible ... I have used AOL since the 1970's and this version stinks. I get a message and I want to reply. I start typing and it jumps to the end of the reply and I have to scroll back to the place I was. A few words later it does the same thing and the merry-go-round continues. Very frustrating. No I don't want to uninstall and re-install. You fix it and send a update. I have started transitioning to Gmail but would rather stay. BTW what was wrong with older versions that you can't update.

Jon. B. Feb 11, 2022     

Been with AOL for years and always been good but this latest update is awful. It doesn't open the email you tap on - it will open one either side of the one you tapped on. This seems ok on a laptop but not on a phone . It changed the folders (putting them in a different hierarchy) which meant creating new folders and moving hundreds of emails around. Some rule processing would be nice - it's a basic tool on most email products . It opens up the news and says it's your emails- very glitchy tbh

Sco. Jan 25, 2022     

This app has a bug that causes it to close without warning every time its opened, and if restarted, makes you start over at the main page instead of where you were when it closed. The app also blocks you from changing a video's orientation to make it full screen (stupid), and similarily prevents you from zooming into the page making it easier to read (really stupid)! With many of AOL's customers being older where they may not see as well these limitations make the app all but unusable. :-(

Mar. M. Mar 31, 2022     

Since the latest revision, when replying to an email, the cursor constantly jumps from my reply text to the bottom of the text that I'm replying to. I then have to scroll back up to see my text. At that point, it again jumps down. Repeat repeat. Can't find the solution HELP! Uninstalling and reinstalling the app didn't help. AOL support handed me off. 2 times. Already contacted them. After several exchanges, I was asked to contact another dept and repeat all. They would not forward the exchanges

Joe. N. Feb 26, 2022     

The biggest problem I keep running into is with email. Emails disappear when trying to move from one folder to another, or when deleting mail from a folder that's supposed to go to trash the folder still says they're still there but aren't. They're not in trash either. Figured out to go to AOL settings and clear cache and boom they moved to where they should be. Works for a few times and have to repeat. Only way I can fix it. Been with AOL the 90's, not acceptable! Still working the same.

Ken. W. Apr 12, 2022     

I generally like the latest update but not being able to rotate the screen to a "landscape" mode when needed to read some emails is quite irritating. Hope that capability will be in an upcoming update! Otherwise, I can definitely recommend this app.

Dav. K. May 12, 2022     

The most frustrating problem with AOL's Android app is that a number of folders are absent or missing - folders that DO show up when using AOL Mail on a PC. This is extremely inconvenient and, one would think, easy for AOL to fix. Another glaring glitch is that messages in the "Sent" folder cannot be moved to another folder. (The "send to" button is grayed out and inoperative.) I also haven't been able to figure out how to use bold, underline or italics when creating a message. Final grade: C-

Nei. M. Mar 24, 2022     

Are you ever going to fix this POS email app which is unable to competently and easily perform its stated function - receiving and sending emails? Composing emails is a frustrating experience bc the cursor constantly jumps to the bottom of the email. Opening old emails to review is equally challenging as the app often opens other emails rather than the one selected. I've uninstalled and reinstalled > 6 times...never fixes the problems. I've read other reviews re same issues. Fix the damn app.

Dav. P. Mar 8, 2022     

I was having trouble with my AOL app, so decided to try updating . . . big mistake. Updated app has totally different look, different mode of operation. I don't like it at all, and wish I could go back to what I had, problems and all. I don't like it when developers force upon me what changes they think I need to have, rather than let me have the option to pick and choose the changes best suited for my needs.

Jan. Jan 27, 2022     

I used to like the app, but I made the mistake of updating and now it stinks. I used to be able to read my emails easily and had my folders set up how I liked them. Now the font is too tiny and my folders are all screwed up and not in the order that I had them. And the only way to make the font larger is to change the font size on my phone which makes my text messages really huge. And there is no way to just uninstall the update.

Mic. L. Mar 6, 2022     

It's not as intuitive as the old AOL. It doesn't list number of new emails on the main email page. The "delete" function is a bit confusing. It's confusing where the "compose mail" button is. And a few other confusing items. Could be simplified.

Rob. A. Feb 17, 2022     

I've been using AOL since the days of dial-up! As a general email app, it's been okay. I wish the android version had a few more features like font changes within an email, and larger attachments. I also wish that sent mail could be moved or copied to the archive folder, just to keep them together with other important emails.

Mat. F. Apr 7, 2022     

I've had my AOL now for almost 30 years. Definitely get some chuckles when I give people my email address. It's the only one I use for serious business. LOL I'm going to app really is better than any of the third party email apps except for maybe Outlook, but Outlook makes simple email like AOL more difficult than it needs to be.

Hei. Feb 14, 2022     

I've sent many messages today through the AOL App of it freezing and crashing for most of the day. I receive messages, but can't reply due to the freezing issues and it crashing. I've tried sending a message to the Developer email, but came back saying it's not monitored. I have tried closing out of the app, and signing back in. I've restarted my phone several times, and nothing works. Please fix asap! Thanks!

Bob. C. May 1, 2022     

Was a 5 but on the home news page now all I get when clicking on a story is an 'Oops something went wrong' error. I have reinstalled it more than once now. About half a day and the error starts again. I love my AOL but this is really annoying. May 1, still going on. Only does it where I live. Have Spectrum wifi, T-Mobile and One Plus 9 pro for some reason AOL stories just error here. It's only AOL. Everything else works here except the Tesla Solar app which occasionally doesn't work.

Dav. H. Feb 25, 2022     

I've been using AOL for email for over 30 years it works. I use it over a variety of platforms, Windows PCs and Android tablets and phones it works. It's the only mail system I have found that has a sensible file attachment size, others are unusable if you want to send high quality images.

Cin. L. Apr 10, 2022     

Not liking the updated AOL app. The print in the messages is way too small and when I enlarge the messages they don't fit the the screen in portrait view and app won't go into landscape so I have to continually move messages back and forth in order to read them, messages disappear from inbox and sometimes disappear completely.

Sil. C. Apr 13, 2022     

Good features but adding the ability to toggle which page is the default landing page would be helpful. I'm uninterested in the goings on of celebrities or the latest fads and just need my E-mail to be priority. The addition of the remove viewing of sports broadcasts is wonderful for slow work days when I can switch between "checking my email" and watching the game so the switching utility is good.

Lis. P. Mar 25, 2022     

The update that you were forced to do. it is hard to navigate. Cant find the original place you started at. When you do more than one option. The original place is not there to go . Cant find the trash. When your lucky enough to find it. Then you can't find your mail. Was a horrible update.