• Apartment Bathroom Ideas 1
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Apartment Bathroom Ideas

It's perhaps the least thought of room in your new apartment, yet far and away the one that almost everyone who visits will remember the most -the bathroom! Yes, whether your floorplan allows for a closet-size commode (complete with crescent moon cutout on the door) or a gigantic bath suite fit for a king (including a throne!), your bathroom is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who enter.
First things first
- get cleaning pal! There are few more off-putting things than a grimy sink coated with hard water soap scum, although your don't-look-directly-at-it toilet is in close contention. Get some heavy-duty cleaner (something with bleach is ideal), and get scrubbing. Drop in 'toilet cakes' can be a great way to keep your bowl so fresh and so clean, but if you have pets be sure and read the label, as many are hazardous to animals. And a plunger is NOT an optional accessory! Buy one and leave it there, the more expensive the model the better (it will pay for itself with one disaster-avoiding use).

Some unsightly issues might be beyond your control; odds are good, for example, that your apartment community manager might frown on you tearing up the floor tiles. Try adding a new floor rug instead
- you'll be amazed by how much it livens up a drab floor. Try and avoid clutter around the sink by purchasing a small item holder. You can find very fashionable ones at stores such as Target that are perfect for collecting your toothbrush, comb and razor into one stylish carousel. Remember, the under-sink cupboard is there for a reason, so hide bulky items such as the hairdryer and curling iron out of sight.

Towels are something most people use every day but never feel the need to update. Consider throwing on a new coat of paint and add a matching new shower curtain and you'll be amazed at the results. Last but not least, add a scented candle for some pleasant ambiance, and you'll finally have an apartment bathroom worth bragging over.

Transform your bathroom remodeling project in a creative time of your life. Many home owners fuss a lot when it comes of redesigning their bathroom, but you can have a good time by planning every little change in detail and admire the result. Bathroom remodeling in Marin County has never been easier than today. You are now connected to all types of sources, including internet, that can provide you valuable information about every concern or question you may have.

One of the biggest problems about bathroom remodeling is that space is never enough. Many home owners in Marin County live in apartments or houses that have really small bathroom. But although your bathroom does not allow you to cram a lot of stuff, you can be creative and make a bathroom design plan that suits the space you have. If you are not able to realize it, then a local contractor is happy to help. A reliable contractor will direct you to select the materials you need and help you with the plumbing, tiling, and electrical work.

Before you start your plan you should decide on how much money you want to invest for a new bathroom in Marin County. Prices might vary from one supplier to another. Your budget should fit the things you want to change. If you just want to give your walls another look you will invest a lot less than if you want to change the bathtub, toilet, sink, cabinets, and everything else. Have a solid plan before you want to pull down a wall. In Marin County there are some small apartment bathrooms that can be changed radically if you do some research. Small apartment bathrooms in Marin County can be made to seem wider if you try some tricks.

Bathroom remodeling starts with the plumbing and tiling and ends with choosing proper accessories for the new bathroom. Small bathroom owners must choose small tiles, light colors for the walls, and at least one big mirror. This way, an optic illusion is created and the room seems larger.

Category : Lifestyle

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