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App Engine Dashboard

Check on charts, resource costs, quota details, current load, errors, instances, logs, versions, permissions and admin logs. Manage multiple accounts. Let app widgets on your home screen inform you about quota details continuously.
Please note that Google does not provide a stable API to fetch information about GAE hosted applications. Therefore App Engine Dashboard might not work properly if something changes in GAE. In that case please be patient while we try to catch up with the changes.

App Engine Dashboard is not an official Google product.

The app contains in-app purchase. After a while it will ask you to pay for the app. But it has a decent trial period.

Share your ideas to improve the app. http://humbleengineering.uservoice.com/forums/220094-app-engine-dashboard

Category : Tools

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Reviews (28)

Shr. G. Dec 4, 2014     

Allows us to keep an eye out on stats and general health of the application. Ideal for just a random check when you are out and about. Money well spent.

A. G. u. Sep 25, 2015     

Says I have no apps when I have as bout 8. I tried hitting refresh several times like it suggested but to no avail..

Rya. B. Mar 19, 2014     

very effective. doesn't try to provide all the features of App Engine's admin console, but does hit all of the info you'd like to see - graphs, errors, quota, logs, etc. app lookup can be a bit flaky, possibly due to OAuth tokens, but that's a minor complaint. thanks for making this!

Ber. C. Feb 26, 2018     

I haven't been able to login yet. It finds my account but keep complaining about an authentication token related issue. It's been a month now.

Ada. P. Feb 20, 2015     

The only thing that could make this better is the ability to see data (graphs, logs, requests, etc) by modules, similarly to the google developer console.

Dan. F. Feb 5, 2016     

I tried refreshing and restarting the app. I'm on a Nexus 4 with lollipop

Lei. W. Mar 4, 2016     

Very useful but no apps are found any more. Google broke it

Raj. P. Jan 1, 2016     

Tried refreshing at least 20-30 times for last 3-4 days but it does not work.

Sin. K. Dec 22, 2015     

Very useful app but doesn't work anymore. Please fix retrieving apps from goggle app engine. Something changed in API. Thanks

Arj. M. Aug 28, 2014     

Very handy to keep an eye on app engine performance. Nice and clean user interface.

Hus. G. May 25, 2014     

application needs to display modules, otherwise not much poibt in showing versions

Mar. H. Feb 11, 2014     

Perfect mobile companion for checking your app engine projects are working smoothly.

Jim. T. Nov 12, 2015     

Looks like this app does not work anymore since 2 days back. Was it due to the new Google developer's console? Thanks for any reply.

Jam. E. Feb 24, 2015     

It says i have no apps but i do.

A. G. u. Apr 14, 2015     

Simple and gives me what i need.

Mik. M. Apr 10, 2014     


Jos. A. E. P. Nov 27, 2013     

Its a great app in my nexus 7, but the projects doesn't syncronice with my nexus 5.

Chr. D. Nov 19, 2013     

Always just says it can't fetch applications

Sid. G. Sep 30, 2013     

I love the design of the app, and how you've managed to show much data in such an amazing and clean design. Great work guys!

A. G. u. Sep 5, 2013     

A super convenient way to check on your app.

Rod. S. Dec 20, 2012     

It's nice to see stats in real time and all, but it is half useless if it's read only. And an auto refresh would be helpful also when you load up the view, so you don't have to load a view and press refresh right away

A. G. u. Jul 28, 2012     

Its nice that the app presents usage data to me. But that data is mostly useless if I can't act in it. Where are the stop, start, pause, reconfigure options? Why can't I scale up or down my available instances? Why can't I view logs? Why can't I look up data? This is obviously an app in its infancy. My question is, will it eventually mature?

A. G. u. Jun 4, 2012     

Seems to work fine so far. Great UI and UX. Thank you for this app.

A. G. u. Feb 5, 2012     

Love it thank you so much guys! Its a really nice app :-)

A. G. u. Nov 24, 2011     

Basic functionality, just what i needed

A. G. u. Nov 13, 2011     

Would not find my apps.

A. G. u. Jul 24, 2015     

I use App Engine for a few side projects and I used to view the logs the web interface, which is definitely NOT designed for mobile. This app is absolutely wonderful! The logs are easy to view, it's easy to switch projects, check quota, etc., and it's the first thing I open when someone says "there's a problem". I absolutely love it!

Ale. C. Jul 10, 2014     

Overall the aesthetic design and user experience is good but needs to support modules in order to be useful to me.