• Astrological ephemeris 1
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  • Astrological ephemeris 4

Astrological ephemeris

The "Ephemeris" app calculates the position of planets in the solar system the instant you read it - or on the date of your choice.
The information displayed:
- The saint of the day;
- Notorieties born on the same date.
The planetary data (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the Black Moon and Lunar Nodes) contain:
- The longitude of the planet,
- its declination,
- its latitude
- its angular relations with other planets.
A complete list of aspects between the planets.
For astrologers and those who are familiar with the charts of the sky, the application offers the possibility to visualize these data graphically (traditional European representation or representation of the American trans-personal school).
The "Solar Ingres" indicate the date and time of the passage of the Sun at 0 ° of each sign.
The "New Moons" list the dates, times and position in the zodiac of all the new moon of the year.

Category : Tools

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