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Audio Books by AudiobookStore

Download our award-winning app and instantly play the audiobooks you purchase through the AudiobookStore.com website. Simply log into the app using the same account credentials you used when purchasing your audiobooks on AudiobookStore.com and with a tap and a swipe you’ll be listening to your audiobooks in just minutes.
Since 2006, AudiobookStore.com has been committed to delivering our listeners quality audiobook titles. We currently offer over 50,000 of the best-selling downloadable audiobooks that matter most to audio listeners, with thousands of highly demanded titles (both new releases and classics) added each month. Find audiobooks in every category, from the most recognized authors, and the most popular publishers in the industry.

Top Features:

● Compatible with all Android phone and tablet devices● Download audiobooks lightning fast via wifi and/or cellular data network● Integrated social features let you easily share with friends & family● Modern design that makes audiobook listening even more exciting!● Sleep timer● Swipe-to-delete (list view) or long-press (grid view) removes audio files, while retaining audiobook details and bookmarks

Once you download the AudiobookStore.com app you can enjoy your DRM free audiobooks purchased through https://audiobookstore.com. Feel free to contact us for help via our website or through Twitter @Audiobook_Store

Category : Books & Reference

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Reviews (21)

Fir. e. A. Feb 11, 2022     

There are few words that can describe how bad this app is. Won't pause, won't respond. Doesn't download the entire book. No way to ask it to download the remainder of the book. And I could deal if it was cheaper than audible but for an Australian it's literally not. I figure I would download an MP3 and play it through anpodcast app. But can't do it on an android phone. So instead I have the download it to PC. And Google drive it back to my phone. Can't wait to delete this app and cancel.

Cla. R. Apr 3, 2022     

I had issues in the beginning of my subscription, however the staff helped me solve the problem. Their follow up was impressive and all issues are now solved. Great app which offers me audio books that are not available on other audio platforms at a reasonable price. Thank you to the diligent staff.

Ano. Oct 5, 2018     

I have an Android phone. When the phone locks, you can wake the screen and get controls - namely: rewind, pause, and fastforward. The pause button doesn't work and as such, you have to enter your password to get into your phone to pause. I've messaged the developers about it and they haven't done anything to fix it. I wouldn't recommend this app if you have time constraints like me, as it's poorly designed. I'd go as far to say as it's a cheap Audible.

Tyl. K. May 5, 2020     

Was working fine until one day it stopped. Said there was no audiobook. When I tried to redownload it just wouldn't. Update: even besides that bug there are tons of other bugs. The app totally freezes on me and once I start playing an audiobook I can't do anything to it - even when I close the app it keeps playing. It's actually impressive how you managed to make something like this.

Ian. P. Nov 25, 2020     

Terrible playback function. Sometimes when loading the book it starts 10-15 minutes off from where I left off and today it restarted from the very beginning. I'm listening to a 50 hr book, so I got to spend 20 minutes searching for where I left off while trying to avoid spoilers. On top of that sometimes the playback menu doesn't open when you hit play and you have to restart the app multiple times. Needs work.

HGD. Jul 22, 2020     

Love this app! It's super cheap. So far I've found out you get 1 book for 12.95 or cheaper a month. The price for the monthly fee is cheap and the book prices are not that bad depending on what ur looking for. The only problem I have is when I connect my wireless earbuds to it. It sometimes kicks me out and I cant turn off my phone or close the app or it will kick me out. It really has its ups and downs but still love it

Amb. J. Apr 6, 2020     

Terrible, glitchy app. Book wouldn't download, even after following suggested troubleshooting steps to delete the book and the app (multiple times) and reinstall. No response to messages to tech support. Don't waste your money. Would even go so far as to say it's a scam as you don't get what you pay for. I would give zero if I could

Dav. W. Jun 5, 2020     

When I first started using this app it worked perfectly, it was wonderful. But lately I'm having trouble playing the audio books. They just don't play, and people I talk to at the helpdesk are useless. The troubleshooting FAQ has nothing that resembles my problem oh, so that is also useless. Right now this app and the people behind it are useless useless useless.

mel. T. Mar 26, 2019     

Terrible.Repeatedly stopped downloading the individual chapters so I had to manually prompt the download process. Completely failed to download the 2nd to last chapter of my first book so Ive no idea what happened towards the end of the story. Also, at least 5 other missing chapters and I didn't realise until the story abruptly stoped forcing me to miss and skip over it. Only advice on the website was to delete and go through the same agonising process again. No thanks.

Ama. M. Apr 22, 2020     

Can't seem to download past the first two tracks- which states that the book is read by the author. Have deleted app and reinstalled and nothing changes. From what I can see the feedback from the company is 'contact us'...why don't you just step up and fix the app.

iva. p. Nov 17, 2021     

Update: I am already using the most recent update. Original Post: Playback issues that existed before were replaced with new playback issues. Now, when one chapter ends, it loops back and replays and there doesn't seem to be anyway to prevent this other than to manually initiate the next chapter.

Tom. D. May 16, 2022     

Doesn't play. I've bought two books, they both appear as downloaded, but they don't play. On the playing screen nothing works at all, controls aren't responsive

Dan. S. Nov 18, 2020     

On the plus side. I can buy the books I want without audibles bizarre and inconsistent region locking. On the minus. Completely useless for keeping place. Why can't this app start from where I left off? It restarts from all over the place. Far far from where I left off.

Shi. W. Aug 26, 2019     

Love how easy downloading is to my devices. Only wish I could have a spot to store books that I've already listened to. Then I wouldn't have to surf through all of them when looking for a new one. I did arrange them to newly downloaded to make it easier. I enjoy the books, I travel a lot and audio books help pass the time.

Chr. H. Apr 11, 2019     

downloaded the app hoping to use while driving but unable to download the book. it would stop / freeze and never would.download past first file which was the preface. ended up downloading it to my PC and uploading onto my cloud account so I could access it from my phone while driving but not through the app. I'm open to suggestions to get this to work

Luk. O. Apr 30, 2022     

Updated: app began having problems. Books will stop playing every 2-5minutes, forcing me to have to hit play again. Really annoying while jogging. Needs a fix ASAP.

Sco. H. May 29, 2021     

This app is terrible! I was about 5 hours into a book, and it started pausing randomly, and when I rebooted my phone, there were no bookmarks, and it insisted on starting over from the beginning... looks like I will go back do downloading and playing MP3s rather than using this piece of garbage

Jen. B. Jan 21, 2022     

VERY glitchy app. Never says the right chapter, freezes constantly and restarting is always messed up. But the books were cheap. Will cancel after I finished reading the books I downloaded.

pad. Jan 14, 2021     

The player never starts where I left off , it could be five chapters ahead or half a chapter behind or it might go back to the beginning of the book, I have to spend a frustrating 20mins getting back to where I stopped. This is extremely annoying and needs to be sorted out .

Mel. C. Dec 12, 2020     

Love it! I have been using this for about 4 years now! My collection forever growing and its so easy to go back and re-listen to old books. I sometimes feel certain books are a bit pricey even with the discount, but the quality is great and I have only had one issue, which was fixed after it was raised. Very satisfied. :)

bra. s. Nov 30, 2021     

Audiobookstore addressed my playback issue in their response. I'm not an avid enough "reader" to benefit from the subscription, my interests are too narrow to be sated by the selection.