• Baixar status - Status Downloader 1
  • Baixar status - Status Downloader 2
  • Baixar status - Status Downloader 3
  • Baixar status - Status Downloader 4

Baixar status - Status Downloader

To download, share and repost images and videos of status!

 - We are not responsible for any improper use of images or videos made by other people or company, remember, we list the images that are in the status folder as if it were a gallery, therefore the images presented in the application can be subject to copyright of its creator.

 - Please act with respect if you decide to send an email to the developer, we are only doing our work, we are also people. :)

 - The status photos are saved on your own device, we do not upload to any server, the app checks the location that the status is stored and presents to the User, refilling, saving in the gallery or sharing with another application installed, so we have to explicitly request permission to access the mobile storage, if it is not accepted the application does not work, because we can not access the files of the status.

- In addition, when requesting to open a new conversation the whatsapp api informs if the number entered uses the messenger.

- We go directly to the whatsapp chat with the number entered without the need to save the number in the calendar so we can start a conversation.

- You can send a reminder to yourself, just enter your own number.

- It works

Warning: This application is NOT affiliated, sponsored or supported by WhatsApp Inc, this application has been made to facilitate and make better use of its features :). We are not a messenger or anything, we only help to use your messenger more efficiently .

-This application does NOT replace whatsapp messenge

Category : Tools

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