Thanks to this application, you will have access to the balances of transportation cards used in many cities, bus times and spend less time in transportation.

When you select your province and query the system will record and you will not have to deal again and again.

Some provinces in the system;
* Istanbul Card Inquiry

* Adana Kentkart Inquiry
* Ağrı Card Inquiry
* Ankara Card Inquiry
* Antalya Card Inquiry
* Aydın Aykart Inquiry
* Balıkesir Balkart Inquiry
* Bingöl Card Inquiry
* Burdur Kentkart Inquiry
* Çanakkale Kentkart Inquiry
* Çorum Kentkart Inquiry
* Denizli Card Inquiry
* Diyarbakır Diyarkart Inquiry
* Edirne Kentkart Inquiry
* Elazığ ElzCard Inquiry
* Erzurum Kardelenkart Inquiry
* Eskişehir Eskart Inquiry
* Gaziantep Card Inquiry
* Hatay Kentkart Inquiry
* İçel (Mersin) Kentkart Inquiry
* Izmir izmirim Card Inquiry
* Istanbul IETT Bus Hours, Marmaray Schedule
* Kastamonu Kentkart Inquiry
* Kırşehir Card Inquiry
* Kocaeli Kentkart Inquiry
* Konya Elkart Inquiry
* Malatya Motaş Inquiry
* Manisa Card Inquiry
* Muğla Kentkart Inquiry
* Mus Card Inquiry
* Niğde Kentkart Inquiry
* Ordu Kentkart Inquiry
* Sakarya Card Inquiry
* Samsun Samkart Inquiry
* Sivas Kentkart Inquiry
* Trabzon Card Inquiry
* Şanlıurfa Urfakart Inquiry
* Van Belvan Card Inquiry
* Yozgat Kentkart Inquiry
* Zonguldak Card Inquiry
* Bayburt Card Inquiry
* Yalova Card Inquiry

Some Districts in the System;
Alanya Card Inquiry
Altınova Card Inquiry
Alaplı Card Inquiry
Bandirma Card Inquiry
Eregli Card Inquiry
İnegöl Card Inquiry

Bus schedules of these provinces and districts will be integrated into the system.

Since our application is directly connected to the internet, you will be able to use all the new features without having to worry about updating the application.

You will be able to follow the updates from the right menu and receive notifications from the system works with interactive notifications.

Category : Travel & Local

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