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Bandsintown Concerts

The highest rated and #1 downloaded concert discovery app for Android!Easily buy tickets for your favorite artists and get local concert recommendations and alerts.
Bandsintown simplifies concert discovery by allowing you to track your favorite artists, receive alerts when they are touring near you, keep track of which shows you have RSVP’d to and share concert details with your friends. The concerts you RSVP to are then synced with your calendar, so you never miss another live show.

This free app scans your music libraries to learn who you are as a fan and what artists to track. Our algorithm also suggests similar sounding artists, helping you discover new bands and DJ's who are coming to your town.

✩ Get concert notifications for your favorite artists on tour✩ Complete concert listings for every city✩ Browse upcoming tour dates for any artist✩ Syncs with your Spotify and Last.fm accounts✩ Connect with Facebook and Twitter✩ Buy tickets from hundreds of ticket sites, including directly in the app for supported tickets✩ Use your contact list to invite friends to events or find friends already using Bandsintown

Simply connect your phone or tablet with your Android Wear device and you'll receive concert alerts right on your wrist. Page through the need-to-know info about the show, and RSVP all without having to take your phone out of your pocket.

Bandsintown uses two app permissions, which provides us with some personal data. First, we ask for your GPS location in order to determine where you are in relation to an event you're interested in attending. Second, we ask for permission to access your contacts to allow you to invite your friends to concerts they may be interested in attending. We do not store your contacts or your GPS location at any time, and in the case of contacts will only ever display them after you have given permissions for us to do so in the app.

Terms of Use: http://www.bandsintown.com/termsPrivacy Policy: http://www.bandsintown.com/privacy_policy

◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦Email: [email protected]

Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (13)

Pea. F. Jan 16, 2019     

I liked this app a lot better when all of the upcoming concerts were listed in alphabetical order by artist in a single list. I can't even figure out how to use this app effectively anymore. 🙁 Edit: Was able to get to the old view by clicking the "artists" tab. I still preferred the old layout though, and it seems like there is a lot of missing concerts in this view now.

Sar. A. Nov 2, 2018     

I love most things about this app except that I can't search specific dates for gigs. When I travel I like to see if anyone interesting is playing in that particular city, but having to scroll through a million pages to get to the right date range is a pain. Also, it's very disheartening when I've scrolled for 80 years to get to a date, click on an artist for more info, and then when I hit the back button it takes me all the way back to the beginning of the list for more scrolling. Other than these two things, app is great.

JH. Jun 25, 2021     

I used to really enjoy this app, coming back it took me 5 minutes and googling just to find how to see a list of events with just the artists I follow which was the best thing about the app previously. Not only is it difficult, it's not in chronological order like it was before the UI change. Update, I've found the date filter. You really shouldn't have shipped this to prod. Terrible. Update 2, the filter resets every time you leave the search. WHY? It takes a total of 8 clicks to reach my list.

Kri. H. Jan 22, 2020     

Overall wonderful because it's Super Informative. Sometimes the app bugs out but ultimately I never feel like I miss a concert because of it. So 4 stars! An example of the "app bug" is when I clicked on the Hip and R&B singer Cee-Lo, it would take me to a totally dated page on a completely different artist and that happend for several weeks long. But anyways nothing's perfect all the time.

Isa. L. Nov 13, 2018     

This app is great! I use it in unison with my Facebook events to keep updated on all my concerts. Unfortunately, they both have the same pitfall: I RSVP to an event and it only shows on the app. An older version would sync to my Google Calender and phone calender which was PERFECT, but that feature doesn't seem to be in effect anymore.

J.. S. Feb 9, 2020     

Love this app! I get tour info. and release dates of new music, and I rarely miss the opportunity to see my favorite bands. One thing that I think would be very helpful is being able to expand the search radius from my town (currently 200 miles, I believe). I am known to take frequent road trips if my favorite bands aren't playing in my area.

Joe. A. Oct 23, 2020     

Terrible App. I've used it in the past and got so irritated I removed it. After reinstalling I try and sign in with my email and it keeps refreshing the 'resend confirmation link' and I never get an email to confirm it. Checked junk folder and nothing there either. So I can't even use the app. I guess there is a reason I got rid of it before. I intended to sign up for some live stream concerts but that idea is out the window.

A.C. A. Mar 8, 2020     

I rely on this app to keep all my live shows in order, and I won't complain because it's free, but it has several annoying bugs. Too often shows from my RSVP list disappear without warning. Also shows I click Interested or Going for don't always appear in my calendar even though I have them set up to. I've had to clear the cache to get things back in working order several times.

Tom. M. Sep 28, 2019     

All I want to do is buy concert tickets, but doing so is impossible without wading through endless invasive screens demanding to know which other bands and genres I like so that I can later be relentlessly spammed. The Web interface refuses to work on mobile, demanding access to the app, and it's terrible on Windows as well, working only in Chrome but not Firefox.

Paw. Apr 26, 2021     

Extremely let down that the app does very little and seems really restrictive. Error messages. I can't add new bands I cannot seem to do anything. I'm unloading this in 1 week because if I can't add bands etc and scroll through what's the difference???? Waste. Bummer. I can't do anything with this app. What's seen below in the pictures I don't get any of that!!!!

Gab. V. Jan 4, 2020     

Awesome app to let me know about upcoming events. I've seen many bands I wouldn't have otherwise. One bug. Whenever a band sends a message like a photo, I get a picture from a different message and I never see the message I clicked on unless I look on the website. Otherwise perfect app.

Chr. R. May 12, 2022     

Informational, with ability to use social media and collaborate with others, but NOT overly complicated or intrusive! Been really great during shelter in place for Covid for Live stream music events! Update: as pandemic is turning endemic, it's been great to use to see who is touring again. So exciting to see music performances coming back to life.

Gia. R. May 23, 2020     

Bandsintown only displays about 25% of the music events happening near me. Other apps and websites all confirm shows they do not display on the app. Its a good idea and I like the clean, simple platform, but work needs to be done to make it a useful, all-encompassing app. Also, trying to get tickets through 3rd party vendors redirects me to what should be the vendor site, but the redirect has failed 100% of the times I have tried. I dont have that problem with other apps.