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“Bilermen” oýuny häzirki wagtda synag etabynda, oýundaky ýalňyşlyklary ýa-da öz pikirleriňizi [email protected] adresine ugradyp bilersiňiz. Hormatly ulanyjylarymyz, oýundaky ýalňyşlyklara garamazdan 5 ýyldyz baha bilen goldarsyňyz diýip umyt edýäris.

Dear friends, this is a test version of our game. If you encounter any errors, please report them to [email protected]. Despite the inconvenience, support us with a good rating. Rate our game; your feedback is important to us.

Oýun onlaýn görnüşde bolup, onda dünýäniň ähli ýeriniň ýaşaýjylary bilen güýç synaşyp bilersiňiz. Bilermen diňe bir türkmen dilinde bolman, oňa rus dili hem goşulandyr.
PVP görnüşdäki we RTS žanryndaky sorag-jogap oýnymyzyň, öz ugrunda dünyäde hiç hili analogy ýokdyr we beýleki sorag-jogap oýunlaryndan özboluşly aýratynlyklary bilenaw.

Bilermen bilen:
- Gyzykly täsinlikleri öwreniň;
- Bilimiňi artdyrmagyň gyzykly usuly bilen ýadyňyzy güýçlendiriň;
- Halkara ýaryşlarda ýeňiji boluň.
- Oýunda tejribäňi artdyrmak bilen, şol bir wagtda öz bilimiňi hem artdyr;
- Dostlaryňyzy çagyryp bile oýnaň we baýrak alyň;

Nädip oýnamaly:
-Gahrymanyňy saýla;
-Bäsleşmelerde tejribe gazan we güýçlen;
-Bäsleşmede ýeňensoň bilim kartlaryny gazan we berilen maglumatlary indiki oýny
 ýeňmek üçin ulan;
-Jogap bereniňizde hüjümiňizi güçlendiriň ýada, goranmak üçin ýörite güýçlendirijileri
-Doly utmak üçin özboluşly strategiýa oýlap düzüň;
-Ýokary ligalarda oýnaň we göwrümi uly sowgatlar şeýlede tejribe ýygnaň;
-Güýçli we ilkinji bolup hüjüm etmek üçin soragy çalt jogaplaň;
-Özüňden güýçli garşydaşlary bäsleşmä çagyryň we ýeňişden has köp kubok gazanyň;
-Logiki kwestleri geçiň we goşmaça baýraklary gazanyň;

Oýunymyzda soraglaryň birnäçe kategoriýalary bardyr we olara öz soraglaryňyzy goşup, goşmaça baýrak alyp bilersiňiz.
Sorag kategoriýalary: Logika, informatika we täze tehnologiýalar, umumy gyzykly soraglar, sport, mobil we kompýuter oýunlary, matematika, astronomiýa, geografiýa we ş.m.

How big is the human mind, do you want to know? Compete with geniuses from all over the world and become one of the great geniuses of the PLANET !!!

The PVP quiz with a mix of the RTS genre is unique in type.
Bilermen is an entertaining strategic quiz with thousands of unique questions.

Bilermen is the first game of its kind that has no analogues with any other game.
Free intellectual PVP quiz, test your IQ level.

Quiz Bilermen is:
-Interesting questions and little-known facts.
-A great opportunity to compete with friends for the title of the most intelligent.
- A fun way to develop your memory and knowledge.
-International competitions with prizes, real-time standings.
-Increasing your level in the game, simultaneously increase your knowledge.
-Simple and complex questions about everything in the world.
-Discover achievements and join the best players of the whole world.
-Invite your friends and get rewards.

Available in two languages: Turkmen, Russian.

How to play:
-Select a character.
-Select your favorite question categories.
-Get experience in fights and level up.
-Get prizes in the form of knowledge cards with interesting facts after each
 the victories that you will remember in order to use this knowledge in
 PVP duels.
-Use amplifiers for extra power, protection or answer the question.
-Develop a strategy for PVP duels for 100% win.
-Play in major leagues, get more rewards, experience and unique prizes.
-Respond to questions faster to cause great damage.
-If you answer earlier than the enemy, then attack first.
- Challenge higher rated opponents and win more
- Think up questions and become one of the best authors.
-Take logical quests with increasing difficulty to get
 additional rewards.

Each user can come up with an interesting question that appears on thousands of screens!

Category : Trivia

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Reviews (1)

Sah. A. Sep 15, 2021     

It is the best game