• Billy 1
  • Billy 2
  • Billy 3


‘Billy’ huwa ktieb diġitali dwar kelb storbjuż u kien iħobb jinbaħ minn filgħodu sa filgħaxija. Iżda darba ġietu ħażina. Tgħid x'ġara? L-istorja hija maħsuba għat-tfal tar-Raba’ Sena tal-Primarja u tinkludi magħha żewġ attivitajiet u għodda li biha l-istudenti jistgħu jirrekordjaw leħinhom biex wara jużawh fir-rakkont.

‘Billy’ is a digital story about a very noisy dog. He used to bark from morning till night time. One day, he was sorry he had barked. I wonder why.... This story was written for Year 4 students and includes two activities and a tool by which the students can record their voice and then use it within the story.

Category : Education

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Reviews (1)

Jos. M. Feb 16, 2017     

Great app. Appealing story line and graphics