• BOINC Echo 1
  • BOINC Echo 2


BOINC Echo is an open-source application that tracks personal user statistics directly from BOINC projects, similar to sites like BOINC-stats and Free-DC, but limited to the user accounts you track.
Full ChangeLog accessible from within app.

Database maintained on SD card, inside /$sdcard/boincecho/.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (24)

A. G. u. Nov 1, 2012     

While I was able to connect to several projects, the credits reported were just a jumble of numbers Wont show correctly unless you have less than 100k points. If you have more, it just shows a few digits jumble up badly. Was a great idea but doesn't. work. if you have lots of points.

A. G. u. Feb 29, 2012     

Connect to projects with your Project User IDs. Connecting to WCG is different: must 1st connect to other project(s). If you provided your email + password, you can connect to WCG with your email. But if you didn't want to give your password and provided User IDs instead, it gets tricky. I had to read the source code. Only way is to manually insert your email into the app's SQLite DB with e.g. SQLite Manager. Only try if you are a software developer. update be_users set email='ur_mail' where id=1

How. L. Sep 17, 2013     

Running on my Toshiba Thrive 10". As of right now it isn't really very useful. See cons below. I'll keep it on he tablet for a few months to see if time will solve to the chart problem, at which time I'll update this review. Pros: 1. It runs. 2. There are stats for each project. Cons: 1. Biggest problem (to me) is that every system ever used is listed under each project. There needs to be an option to display on active systems (past 30 days), Other options could be YTD, past year or all systems. 2. The charts for every one of the projects is blank and I get an error saying "Database to small to produce meaningful charts". I've only been using it for about 2 weeks, o that may have something to do with it.

Jos. R. Jul 13, 2014     

Having recently begun to explore the mysteries of BOINC, as well as receiving the benefits that accrue from its use I was rapt to find this tracker app.! No, I am not fool enough to fry my phone with BOINC! The manager lives on a rather suspiciously fast HP Netbook running Windows Neural Network with machine learning implemented in a rather Zen sort of way.... Tried it - works a treat - now to join a team and get some credits..

Aar. T. Feb 2, 2014     

Unable to load graphs without crashing everytime. Also data is at least one to two days out of date even after updating. A nice idea that doesn't work.

J. H. Jan 15, 2015     

Got the update period as 3 hrs, and with one mobile and an old desktop processing running, no sign of the processed packets in the data that does show up on the boinc website

A. G. u. Jan 13, 2015     

Can't connect to worldcommunitygrid. When using user name - button 'sign in' is not active. When using valid email - it says 'no users found'.

Zep. May 1, 2014     

used world community grid email, says invalid userid with or without password. I have a few thousand work units. ill re-evaluate at a later date

Jef. T. May 5, 2016     

Numbers are cut off, no way to reset the column width to allow correct view. Ability to filter which computers are shown would be helpful too.

And. D. Oct 31, 2017     

Numbers and text get cut off in the interface, menus are hard to navigate, connection process is confusing. Also numbers don't update for me and there's no way to manually refresh without deleting the project and re-adding.

Xia. Z. Apr 22, 2014     

This is an old version and can't add project such as subsetsum@home.

A. G. u. May 15, 2012     

Does exactly what it claims. Simple to use, no frills.

A. G. u. Nov 1, 2011     

Does'nt work. Able to choose project and enter user name. Then it just sits there ......

A. G. u. Jul 24, 2011     

Doesn't work, I choose project and enter username and that's it. Can't select to enter email or log in, it just sits there....

A. G. u. Jan 2, 2012     

Only allows email which doesn't work

Log. Jun 3, 2016     

Java.io error when attempting to log into Einstein@home. Also mindmodeling@home is missing from the list

And. G. Jul 18, 2014     

retrieves boinc stats and credits direct from the project instead of via aggregrators

A. G. u. Sep 12, 2012     

Unable to logon to WCG

A. G. u. Apr 26, 2012     

Got stats once and that's all. No way to force an update - supposed to update every 6 hours...

Mon. D. Apr 19, 2013     

good job thanks

A. G. u. Nov 21, 2010     

Nice app. Dev is fast to respond to email. Will like even better when it works with managers like BAM.

Mat. L. Apr 25, 2017     

I don't think this program is being updated anymore. WCG always crashes, and there's too much irrelevant data. There should be a display of current credit from each project, the amount of data crunched for a given time, and number of Y/D/H the project has been running.

JS. D. Mar 26, 2014     

The app seems to return the good numbers but the display is really messed up. Using Samsung S4 ...

For. W. Oct 21, 2014     

I could not login to WCG; 1st I used just my email address without using the password like it instructed, it came back no account. Tried to use my log on name but the password was grayed out. What do you expect from a product that hasn't been updated since 2011. No big loss on my end.