• Boo! Button 1
  • Boo! Button 2
  • Boo! Button 3
  • Boo! Button 4

Boo! Button

boo button is funny app to joke and have fun press the booing crowd sound button the big red button one pushes that instantly displays your lack of interest or satisfaction
BOO Button app is designed for you to play a "BOO!" sound on your friends and family. You may play the sound anywhere you go and on whoever you like. Have fun with it!

Enjoy with the funny sounds application boo! button.

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (3)

KH. Oct 16, 2017     

I thought this app would scare people like how people scream boo! And the other person jumps not make booooooooo sounds the people who made this app should push this button to see the sound I made when I heard it.

A. G. u. Jun 18, 2017     

Great app for when your annoying sister starts singing when nobody but the two of you are home

A. G. u. Jun 30, 2018     

This game will annoy the HECK outta ur siblings or ur friends. This game is pretty much pointless BUT, it can come in handy if u feel like annoying someone. XDDD