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Bracelet Patterns

Making a friendship bracelet can be a tricky task for those who've never attempted it before. However, as long as you keep these few things in mind, you should find it to be a lot simpler than expected!

► The designs are based on different kinds of knots, especially forward knot, backward knot, and forward-backward knot. In order to attempt making any of these patterns, you would need to learn and practice each of these knots thoroughly. Practice them a couple of times before starting off. Once your knots are precise, most of these designs will be a cakewalk for you!

► Get a good work surface. To tie the knots correctly, you will need to constantly maintain pressure on the strings. Thus, it is a must to secure the free end of the bracelet firmly.

► Quick Tip: Safety pins can be life saviors while making friendship bracelets. You can knot one end of the strings to a safety pin and secure it onto the lower portion of your trouser. This way, they are held firm at the perfect distance to continue knotting!

► It is important to maintain moderate and constant pressure along the strings. Holding too tightly will cause the bracelet to curl up weirdly, while holding too gently will cause the knots to be aloof, and the pattern won't come together as visualized.
Be unique and creative with this link-ribbon bracelet. It is one of the easiest bracelets to make by yourself, which will definitely stand out in any group! A pretty ribbon added to a simple chain of links, topped off with a well-crafted bow brings together this unique bracelet.

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (3)

Ter. S. Jul 8, 2020     

Because of covid-19 I haven't yet been able to get myself any supplies to make any bracelets from these patterns yet,! But I will and I'll let you know when I do get one of these bracelets finished, ok? Thanks Teresa

Sar. B. Nov 14, 2019     

Nice bracelet dtyles wish it had the patterns to make some of the dedigns.

Lau. S. Mar 21, 2020     

It is just wallpaper with patterns that does not explain