• Brilliants Quest with mPLUS 1
  • Brilliants Quest with mPLUS 2
  • Brilliants Quest with mPLUS 3

Brilliants Quest with mPLUS

Brilliants Quest with mPLUS is an simple and addictive puzzle game!You will be an exciting adventure in a country of gems.
About mPLUS Rewards:

mPLUS Rewards is a loyalty program used by hundreds of leading desktop and mobile apps to reward you – their users – as a 'thank you' for staying active with their content. Earn mPLUS Rewards points just for completing in-app activities like tracking a run or finishing a game level. You can even earn mPLUS points for engaging with in-app advertising. Then redeem all those mPLUS points for awesome rewards! Rewards include gift cards, charitable donations and fun merchandise.

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (29)

Kat. K. Jun 14, 2017     

Since the mPLUS points feature was obviously removed, here's a groundbreaking idea: Advise your customers. Doesn't matter if the app is free or paid. Honesty doesn't cost a thing. People already know the points have been removed from the update based on the description of what was "fixed." If you're attempting to "let people down easy" like a junior high-school break-up, then meet me at my locker next break. I'll give you some hints.

Eri. W. Jun 29, 2017     

Just because your contract was terminated does not mean you aren't allowed to warn your consumers. That encourages us to never download from your company again .. Which I won't be, between that and being stuck on levels I already cleared due to some kind of error...

Mar. R. S. Jun 14, 2017     

Oh my. Now I see what everyone is talking about! This game went from being great to horrible. The ads interrupt your game play and you can't stop them! That alone costs ppl data usage! Well, we all know they'll never change this back. So many ppl are disappointed but we'll all find better things. I'm sure the developers aren't thrilled either.

Mad. C. Jun 12, 2017     

Was willing to put up with the many glitches because of mPlus Rewards. I got excited to see that the app had updated today in case it might mean new levels would finally be released. Nope. Got rid of mPlus Rewards, which would be understandable, except with this app there was no warning whatsoever.

Kri. C. Jun 14, 2017     

Very upset about the points I had well over 500 to collect... So pissed off thanks alot

Kra. D. Jun 14, 2017     

Updated review. Random level sticking is getting VERY ANNOYING ! Sometimes I have to replay 2 or 3 levels before I can get to the new level. Still has problems with the game stating there are no more moves when I have moves, quite often happens when I get a rainbow to use.

Lau. T. Jun 16, 2017     

No more Mpoints and now there are ad videos that play before the level is even finished. Also no new levels added. Game keeps you on same level when you cleared it. It also says there are no more moves when there are clearly more moves. Bring back the mpoints

JW. W. Jul 5, 2017     

I love the game, even with mpoints gone, but I can't finish a level because of ads that interrupt game play. Please fix this bug and I will change my rating back to 5 stars. Thank you.

M. C. Jun 16, 2017     

Love the game, love the fact its quick for those times when you have to wait around but not worried about losing your game when its time to go. Mplus side is def bonus

Bri. R. K. Jun 24, 2017     

Would give it 5 stars but they took away the m points. So uninstalling this app

Pam. F. Sep 29, 2017     

I have finished all levels for the wedding time and am still waiting for new ones :(

Ela. D. Jun 13, 2017     

Very disappointing lost ALL my mpoints the worst part is you gave no warning!

Ali. P. Jun 13, 2017     

Removed mpoints without notice.

Del. G. Jun 14, 2017     

Why did you take away the mpoints. This app was good.

Jos. A. Jun 14, 2017     

Pretty good game. Decent mpoints. No more Mpoints BYE

Tin. S. Jun 12, 2017     

The update of 6/12 is terrible! Where did the M plus points go? Problems with levels 155 through 157...ads play before finishing the level. I will edit my rating when the app is fixed.

She. R. Jun 13, 2017     

Took Mpoints with no warning!

Ann. K. Jun 13, 2017     

I probably won't play since mplus points aren't given anymore.

Lis. J. Jun 16, 2017     

Loved the game but want mpoints back

Ken. B. Jun 13, 2017     

No more m+ points on this game, time to delete.

Ros. C. Jun 13, 2017     

This is horrible now. Ads and no mplus!!!

Bob. Jun 12, 2017     

Where did the mplus rewards go? 6/13/17 mplus is gone

Mel. M. Jun 12, 2017     

What happened to mpoints?

Mic. O. Mar 13, 2017     

I'd give it 5 stars if it didn't have glitches. I'm tired of losing a game because it tells me I'm out moves, right as I'm moving a piece. Worse yet, it's when I make the last move to bring the star down and it doesn't finish because "I'm out of moves" And I lose the game as the star is about reach the bottom. Fix the problems and it gets 5 stars .

Ama. S. May 15, 2017     

I enjoy this game and would have rated it 5 stars except for the glitches. I've gotten the message that I'm out of moves when I'm not. I've had squares that have double filled (2 gems in the same square) so I'm not sure what the gem is in that sqaure. There was once when I made a move and the squares didn't completely fill in even though they should have (they did fill in after I ran out moves and the board reshuffled).

Kri. H. Jun 14, 2017     

You could have at least let us finish collecting the points we had already achieved before you removed the Mplus points option. So incredibly rude!!!! Absolutely uninstalling. I enjoyed the game and would have continued to play even without the points, but since you decided to pull a dirty move like that, forget it!

Tam. M. Jun 18, 2017     

The game always had its glitches and I delt with them just fine. But since mPoints has been removed without as much as a notice, I'm uninstalling this app. So stupid.

Rho. O. Jan 19, 2017     

When are you going to add new levels. I really like the game but getting board playing the same levels over and over again

A. G. u. Feb 8, 2017     

I have some issues with the programming. Inconsistent delay when determining if there are more moves left. Has also told me the were no more moves left and rearranged the jewels as I was preparing to make a legal swap.