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BSL WordSearch

If you enjoy word puzzles, you'll love BSL WordSearch as it not only gives you a standard word search puzzle but also allows you to test and develop your British Sign Language Finger Spelling skills.
There are two versions of the game.

1) A standard 10x10 letter grid with words placed horizontally and vertically, forwards and backwards, up and down.

2) A 10x10 grid with the letters represented by BSL finger spell images

To play, simply find the words in the list within the grid and slide your finger from the first letter to the last. If you're right, the corresponding word in the list will change colour.

It's probably worth trying the Letter Spell version before doing the Finger Spell version, just to get the hang of how the game works.

The timer counts down until you clear all the words and then a new grid is presented with the time reset (with a little bonus time).

Note that the words are arranged horizontally forward and backward and vertically down or up in the grid. There are no diagonally arranged words. This makes the game a little easier, which you will find useful when trying the finger spelling version!

The game is now totally free to play ALL categories. Have fun!

Category : Educational

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Reviews (3)

Tof. L. May 30, 2017     

Not impressed, I have changed my rating on this app. (4 stars to 2 stars) I also have found more issues. This time instead of it not registering​ my words as not being found. I have found spelling mistakes. For anyone using the hands to learn BSL this is not a good thing. I have only found the one but I have only used the app about 20 times in total. I have tried to contact the people who make this app. Let's hope it does not go unnoticed.

Lea. M. Oct 12, 2016     

I'm trying to learn BSL finger-spelling so this is very useful. Makes you think! I would love there to be an untimed option on the finger-spelling wordsearches though because at this early stage in my learning, time runs out before I've found all the words. Also, the words aren't always registering as found when you swipe them.

Mel. P. Mar 13, 2017     

I loved the concept but it did not always registered my word so the score continued to count down.