• Buenas noches te de Dios 1
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  • Buenas noches te de Dios 3
  • Buenas noches te de Dios 4

Buenas noches te de Dios

Say good night to your loved ones with this app created especially for you.

Put a smile on the person you care about sending them these blessings that
They will accompany you throughout your dreams.

This app contains images of blessings and wise phrases about the love of God and why you have to thank our existence daily.

God is the creator of everything, the one that has always existed and the one that will always exist.

He gave us life and for that we should thank him and pray daily.

We can know God through various sources such as the Bible, the Church, etc.

We find God everywhere, so we say he is omnipotent.

Trust in God and nothing can fail.

In the Bible we find the Psalms, Writings, Letters, Gospels, Verses, Books, Prayer, Epistles ...

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday of Glory, Easter Sunday, Palm Sunday, Corpus Christi, Holy Birth of the Lord, Christmas, January 1 Holy Mary Mother of God, January 6 Epiphany of the Lord, Baptism of the Lord, Presentation of Lord February 2 Candelaria Day, The Annunciation of the Lord March 25, Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent, Holy Week, Divine Mercy, Day of the Blessed Cross May 3, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin May 31, Ascension Day in June, Pentecost, Jesus Christ High and Eternal Priest, Holy Trinity, Saint John, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, Day of the Assumption August 15, Nativity of the Virgin September 8, Exaltation of the Cross September 14, All Saints November 1, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary November 21, Jesus Christ King of the Universe, Christ's Day King, Advent, Immaculate Conc Chapter 8 of December, Holy Innocents, The Holy Family ...

The app will be constantly updated so you can enjoy new images

This app uses public domain images. We intend to be legal and comply with the regulations, if you observe any image that you dislike or think you should not be here please let us know.

This app is free. Help us to continue creating free apps for you. If you want some type of image app that is not yet created, you can request it and we will be happy to try to create that new app for you

Thank you for your positive feedback.

Our blessings to all of you friends!


Category : Entertainment

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