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Bunker Builds

You're guide and social network for the 2016-17 Bunker Builds America Tour!
The App: Connect and network with members, guests, speakers, investors, mentors, partners, and friends of Bunker Labs. Participate in live voting/polling, win prizes, give feedback and add media live for other attendees to see!

The Tour: Bunker Labs, a national network of entrepreneurs founded by military veterans to help other veterans start and grow businesses, is excited to announce the Bunker Builds America Tour. Presented by JPMorgan Chase & Co., the Bunker Builds America Tour will travel to 12 cities across the country to showcase veteran entrepreneurs, empower local entrepreneurial ecosystems with large-scale events, and serve as the launching point for local Bunker Labs chapters

Category : Business

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Reviews (1)

Der. D. May 3, 2016     

So excited for the Bunker Builds America Tour