• Bus Parking Roma 1
  • Bus Parking Roma 2
  • Bus Parking Roma 3

Bus Parking Roma

The App only works when it is activated with a valid permission and is automatically deactivated at the end of the day (at 24.00) or on the user's command.
Once activated with a valid permit, you can check the availability of the bus stop areas where you can stop on the basis of the activation permit, view the ZTL Bus to which you have the right of access based on the activation permit and credit your stop .

Without activation, the App shows information about the BUS ZTL in force and the check points in the area.

The app does not allow to extend the duration of the stop in the hourly stop areas, it is necessary to use the parking meter. The parking meter can be used to extend the duration even if the accreditation was carried out with the App.

Category : Tools

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