• Cell: Artery Attack 1
  • Cell: Artery Attack 2
  • Cell: Artery Attack 3
  • Cell: Artery Attack 4

Cell: Artery Attack

In this infinitely side-scrolling procedural-generated inertia-driven action game, lead a band of brave white blood cells through a clogged artery. Increase your numbers by eating mitosis chips. Destroy sections of clot with kamikaze cells. Survive four unique regions.

Category : Action

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Reviews (6)

Eme. L. Oct 29, 2016     

Loved Trenches of war so wanted to try this and I hated it

Wes. L. Sep 23, 2016     

I love you guys' games! I played Trenches of War first, LOVED IT! I beat the Classic and both expansions, please make more! THIS IS GREAT, TOO! I can't wait for Harvester!

Wil. D. Apr 11, 2017     

Love it

Ben. H. Oct 29, 2015     

I love that now instead of video games causing my arteries to clog, I can now prevent this with this game! It goes counter-intuitive to everything I know about video games but it sure is fun. Controls are a bit rough to learn but that's part of the fun in trying to salvage as many cells as you can and still making it farther than your friends. Overall it's been fun to play and I look forward to trying it some more.

Con. S. Oct 30, 2015     

I think this game is able to take the pulse of the user, because whenever I play it my cells just keep speeding up and speeding up. This must be due to the fact that the game is so exciting it really gets my heart racing whenever my cells are in danger, both in and out of game. Overall the level of time and energy as well as surprising technological achievement force my hand in granting these worthy developers a 5 star review. I tip my hat to you oh worthy gods of game development.

Chr. P. Dec 24, 2016     

Played for 2 minutes. What a waste of time.