• Challenger Rover 1
  • Challenger Rover 2
  • Challenger Rover 3
  • Challenger Rover 4

Challenger Rover

Challenger Rover allows you the opportunity to explore the surface of the Moon and Mars using robotic planetary rovers. You can partake in different exploration missions that will use scientific tools and sensors to collect valuable information needed to better understand our Solar System.

For your mission to be a success, you will need to outfit your rover with specific equipment designed to collect atmospheric readings, soil samples, or photographs, depending on the mission parameters. After your rover is successfully assembled, you must program the rover to remotely complete its tasks on the surface of the Moon or Mars.

Use your rovers to make important discoveries such as the age of the Moon, the temperature on Mars, if there is water on the Moon, or if there is life on Mars. These discoveries will help to unlock the secrets of our closest astronomical neighbors and will pave the way for further exploration.

About Challenger Center:
As a leader in STEM education, Challenger Center creates experiential K-12 STEM education programs for students. The programs feature real-world scenarios created through a combination of computer-driven simulations and hands-on activities that strengthen knowledge in STEM subjects and inspire students to pursue careers in these important fields. Challenger Center was created by the Challenger families to honor the crew of shuttle flight STS-51-L.

For more information about the Challenger Center, visit: www.challenger.org

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Category : Educational

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Reviews (30)

Ben. H. May 11, 2019     

Excellent Rover sim. I was very surprised by this find. The sim is technical yet easy to understand. Beautiful graphics, which leads to my first missing link. Adding different camera angles and the ability to rotate 360Β° around the rover while it is traversing would take this sim to the next level. My second recommendation, a more interactive map. Scrolling, touching to get a distance and even angle would be awesome (way point). Definitly check this out great job to the Dev.

Coo. G. Aug 20, 2020     

I didn't even begin to play but when I load it, the screen flips landscape as it normally would, but for some reason it's upside down and I don't like having to turn my phone 180 degrees because it feels uncomfortable

Sol. F. May 13, 2020     

This game is way better then I thought please add a sandbox or more missions but the reason people are having problems is because you need to look at all the required tools for the mission and then you program anyway amazing app

Cad. B. Jul 26, 2019     

you know what I have to say about this game every time I try to make a Rover with the exact same requirements that it needs and apparently the game says well you can't use this you can't use that I can not stand this game needs to be fixed fix the game I would love to see how it will turn out in the future but for right now not good game

Shu. Apr 29, 2020     

Pretty sure it's broken. Won't let me press the program the mission button. It just shows the button is depressed, but nothing happens.

Jar. N. Feb 23, 2021     

Super fun if you enjoy space and engeneering/ coding. You can play on mars or the moon. I only wish there was more than 5 levals

The. S. F. Feb 2, 2020     

I Clicked new mission and red the briefing but the assemble and program buttons don't work. I would like to play the game.

Jou. 1. Feb 25, 2021     

This is the coolest rover game! I like the levels. But, there is no free play mode so... Can you add free play mode? Alnd also, can you make the Chem Cam rotatable?

Dod. T. Jun 8, 2021     

Ok this will be funny i was a noob when i first played even i didnt know you need to follow the screen that shows that this is how to do it , then i searched a tutorial and then I did the things told in the tutorial. its a good game

tra. b. May 11, 2022     

Can not figure out how to control the rover. So I am uninstalling. You are lucky you got 2 stars.

Par. G. Jun 26, 2021     

very good game sometime a glitch happens in which i cant start the mission even tho the rover has everything need for the mission

som. d. Jun 17, 2021     

I thought it was a game but its for educational it would be really cool that its not educational

Nan. K. Mar 6, 2020     

Excellent and technical game but in the next update try to add a landing sim to it

Spa. Z. Jun 9, 2021     

I love this game allootttt!!!!!!!🀩🀩🀩🀩.......But if y'all add launch and career mode this will be my mossst favourite game😍😍

Kyl. μΉ΄. Dec 7, 2020     

Screen turned upside down, cannot control the rover, no instructions

Bis. M. Nov 22, 2021     

I would love it but it is lagging. Now, I deleted it because it is VERY VERY VERY VERY LAGGY. Please IMPROVE! Hate it... NOT RECOMENDED!

C. P. Sep 28, 2020     

It's a very good game but please can you add a free drive.

J.K. P. Jul 25, 2021     

More power to the developer. I love this game. It makes me feel like I'm incharge of the mission.

BEN. A. Oct 9, 2020     

Pls put sanbox mode and a tutorial for controls thatd not just reding for pepole do now how to play it beter

Ria. S. R. Sep 30, 2021     

That's really excellent game after Free Fire but that really excellent game.

Wil. T. Nov 10, 2021     

I can't go through moon hole when i was being block and it's send obstruction

San. May 7, 2020     

Full of bugs...! Disgusting....! Don't waste your time and internet data...

Key. Q. Oct 30, 2021     

The screen is upside-down and its really annoying for me

Far. S. Jun 15, 2021     

Loved it.Best game ever for elon musk and space fans .Just imajine by 2050 we will all be in space in BUBBLES?. Anywhow loved this game i give it 10 stars (golden)

Ish. Sep 15, 2020     

It is a very disgusting game that I have ever played please don't download this because it will make to very very angry.

Ati. I. Aug 16, 2020     

I can't see any components in building section

Smi. A. May 11, 2020     

I build rover but i can't start the mission πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

zen. m. o. Aug 29, 2019     

Its pretty good idk how to build curiosity yet

Mic. W. Apr 7, 2020     

This is the shittiest app ever. Thank you very much. Not even worth a star. πŸ™‚

San. L. Jun 26, 2020     

I cant even do mission And the rover dose not even move