• Christian Creeds & Reformed Co 1
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Christian Creeds & Reformed Co

This application, developed in collaboration with Westminster Seminary California, provides a searchable library of the most universally used Christian creeds and the principal theological standards of the Continental Reformed and English Presbyterian churches.
Included are the three ancient creeds (the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed); the 'Three Forms of Unity' (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort); and the Westminster Standards (the Westminster Confession and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms.)

Complete scripture references are included, both in the app itself (KJV), for offline viewing, and by hyperlinks to a user-selectable online site, for use when an internet connection is available. A full-text search capability (with editable search history) allows you to instantly find words, phrases and scripture references within a single document or across the entire library.

This application will help anyone better understand and appreciate the depth and richness of the Christian faith as it has been historically understood.

Thanks to James H. Price for allowing me to port his excellent iPhone app to Android.

Category : Books & Reference

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Reviews (28)

Dad. b. Dec 27, 2013     

Even if you already have these Creeds and Confessions as resources in your Logos library, this little app provides more convenient faster access. Though I would recommend this app to anyone and everyone, I particularly recommend this app to Presbyterians with an android device. These are the standards of all confessional Presbyterians, and worth the time and effort to become acquainted with.

Len. F. Dec 11, 2015     

This is a faithful port if the CC&RC app for iOS, however it appears to not have any major improvements made since 2010. It would be great to see additional documents such as the 1689 LBCF added, as well as links to other Bible tools such as Logos.

Chr. L. Jul 13, 2017     

This is my go-to app for the confessions. It has a ton of features; my favorite are the large number of documents (Westminster, Three Forms, and ecumenical) and the linking feature that opens proof- texts on my choice of Bible app. When I contacted the developer with a question, he was quick to reply and courteous.

Liv. i. A. Apr 30, 2013     

great app ! i emailed the Developer to see if we could get some more important Confessions uploaded here are my picks 1. The Cambridge Declaration (April 20th 1996) * this explains the need to understand the Importance of the Reformation Solas here in the 21st Century 2.The Chicago Statement on Biblical Innerancy Explains affirmations and Denials 3. 95 Thesis - every christian should know what these were... 4. Chalcedonian Creed - Explains specifically how Jesus Christ is God and man confessionally

Sea. M. Oct 6, 2016     

The Belgic Confession and Westminster Confession are not the originals, as one would assume from the years given with those standards. I believe that the Three Forms of Unity are given as translated and amended by the Christian Reformed Church in the early 1900s. The Westminster Standards are really the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (and later the Presbyterian Church in America).

A. G. u. Feb 17, 2012     

Glad I found this! These offer us GREAT and lasting instruction and comfort concerning our infallible and inerrant Word of God. The grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of the Lord stands FOREVER. Thanks for porting this to the Android OS.

A. G. u. Jul 12, 2014     

Great to have the creeds and confessions handy. Would be nice to be able to see each one by denomination (PCA v EPC v ECO; CRC v RCA v URC, etc)

Via. May 11, 2016     

I really like this apps. And i hope that the developer could make the bible verse to link with bible apps in my phone instead of try to connect to the internet.

Eli. S. Mar 1, 2017     

Crashes and it's incomplete. Does not contain the same amount of documents that the iPhone version does. Sent an email to developer, haven't received an answer.

A. G. u. Jun 22, 2012     

Works well. Could you add some reformed baptist confessions eg the 1689. Thanks guys for putting the time in for useful resources.

Ala. B. Aug 25, 2016     

I absolutely love this, however it doesn't work with my HTC 10 on Android 6.0.1. It crashes every time I try to open it. I would love to help testing, please contact me if that is helpful

A. G. u. Sep 5, 2012     

This is a great tool that works well, places Reformed confessions at your fingertips, and has useful Bible references built in.

Ron. I. Feb 6, 2014     

Straight forward and really simple to read. If you guys could add the chalcedonian creed to this app that would make it awesome.

IBR. I. Aug 21, 2014     

My fellow Christian brothers and sisters rush and installed this application. I really enjoy it and I know you will like too.

A. G. u. Aug 27, 2012     

Nice app, but I'm disappointed it professes to be the WFC of 1647, when in fact, it is really the US revision of 1903. It wouldn't be too hard to acknowledge that in the app, or add the relevant original.

A. G. u. Feb 6, 2011     

Thank you, Westminster. I am so happy you provided these for us. I love having each of these handy. Great app and easy to navigate.

And. C. Nov 27, 2015     

I'd like to point out that the confession is from 1646. Also, this is not the 1646 (original) confession, but the American Revision from 1789. Other then that it's decent, and one of the only interactive confession apps.

Lui. D. Jun 14, 2017     

I think the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and the 39 Articles of Religion should be included in here, as well as the various biblical proof texts used to buttress the confessions' statements. Other than that, it is perfect!

Bar. S. Oct 15, 2013     

This app is good but not up to date with the apple version. There you are allowed to download numerous additional documents. Why has this not been updated to have the same option? Why has this not been updated in almost 3 years? Good but can be a lot better.

Ron. B. Jul 31, 2016     

Has all the major creeds and confessions. The Westminster Standards contains scripture proofs and hyperlinks.

Mr. J. Dec 31, 2015     

A fantastic resource, that catalogues several confessions and articles of faith. Highly recommended! The only suggestion would be to update with more documents & confessions.

A. G. u. Apr 16, 2012     

For those who love to read biblical christianity brilliantly expressed in these Confessions, I heartily recommend this App. Read them to feel the heartbeat of the gospel snd be strengthened.

Jos. S. Sep 25, 2014     

This is a great app… BUT, the additions in the i-apps make this pale in comparison. Please update to make it comprable with the apple version!!

Sea. C. Oct 29, 2015     

The iOS version has a ton more features. No 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith in the Android version. I like what this app has, I just wish it had more.

A. G. u. Sep 12, 2012     

Its a great and fantastic work. It would be great if you can also include the Chalcedonian creed, the canons of the council of Orange, the statement of faith of the third council of Constantinople, the Augsburg confession and finally the LBC.

A. G. u. Nov 22, 2012     

Would also live the extras available on the iOS version - the Philadelphia children's catechism is very nice to use with my small children.

A. G. u. May 7, 2012     

One of the best things about this app is the classical versions of the creeds used, instead of the watered down garbage of the CRC

D. A. Oct 25, 2013     

This has major ecumenical & Protestant creeds, confessions, and catechisms. Simple and well-implemented.