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Christian Ringtones

Christian Ringtones contains over 36 popular Christian Ringtones ever.
With Christian Ringtones you can thrill your children with spiritual music.

Christian Ringtones Free features:

-Set the Christian ringtone to your default ringtone

-Set the Christian ringtone to your notification sound

-Set the Christian ringtone to your alarm

-Set the Christian ringtone to a specific contact

- Christian Music and Christian songs.

- Popular Christian Ringtones

- Greatest Hits of Christian songs.

- Christian Music worship.

- Christian Choirs.

- Christian Praise.

- Music for prayer

- Music to feel the presence of God.

- 36 Free Christian Ringtones

- Contemporary Christian Ringtones Free and easy to use interface.

Download Christian Ringtones for free now

Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (29)

Kat. B. Jan 18, 2020     

Horrible. I set it for alarms and it plays all the time. I don't even know why it plays. I went to the app and told it to stop playing many times. But, it still played. I uninstalled the app and it still plays, all the time. I turn my volume off and miss calls, but I am sick of this.

Mar. S. Jul 31, 2020     

Having this Christian Ringtones app is great. Every time someone calls, I want to continue hearing the song from the ringtone. It would be nice to have a larger selection to choose from.

Fel. J. Jan 17, 2022     

Been using this app for while on my old phone , just downloading on a new phone. It took a little work to figure out how to use but it works great. Love the songs.

Joh. S. Oct 26, 2018     

Sound is terrible, Does NOT contain over 36 popular Christian ringtone. Contains exactly 36 Christian ringtone. Some not super popular. Download a ringtone maker app and make your own ringtones. They will be better than this.

She. F. May 3, 2022     

I enjoy Christian Ringtone it allows me to choose my favorite christian ringtone as my ringtone for all of my devices it a wonderful app to have keeps me connected to my Father God each time my phone rings so if you Love God as I go ahead and down load this app it's Great Thank You Christina Ringtone

All. H. Aug 16, 2020     

I love the App. When I get a call, people hear the Christian Music Ringtone. Many times this will lead to a conversation, where I am able to share my Testimony.

Tri. R. Dec 9, 2020     

I love the song "Happy Day." It's on this app. There are several others that are good too, but Happy Day is the main one that has me downloading this app again and again. Since I can't figure out how to excess, it seems like this app useless.

Pra. t. L. Nov 22, 2019     

Thank you LORD for this wonderful app. We want many more ringtone apps from you. I like "GOD is good all the time... through the darkest night his light will shine...GOD is good... God is good aĺl the time".....song. please make this song as ring tone. Thank you very much. GOD bless you. Amen...

Mag. L. Oct 3, 2018     

Yes, I would recommended. I have it on one of my phones and love to ringtone. Would like to install it on my business I phone but don't see where to add another device. Is there a limited device it can be used on?

Fra. D. Oct 18, 2020     

this is so nice to have it constantly remind you during the day with different notification sounds that you are not alone God is always with you. To God be the glory and thank you for putting this app on play store.

Dav. B. Oct 1, 2021     

We all dislike spam calls or telemarketing calls. We get lots of these call everyday. I LOVE my Christian Ringtones that remind me several times a day of God's love for me ! I purposely screen the calls just so I can be uplifted & inspired !

Ani. T. Jul 18, 2020     

Fantastic selection of Christian music! A really good way to witness and have a pleasant ringtone at the same tim

Gra. A. Apr 13, 2021     

Very nice. I use it for all my devices. Beautiful ring tones and other sounds like messages and notifications. Thanks so much 💗

Amb. W. Feb 10, 2020     

I love this app. I love that there is all genres of christian. Worship, Rock, rap, country, instrumental. Its great!

Suz. U. Jun 10, 2019     

God woke up with the tune of Awesome God in my head this morning, I knew this HAD to be my contact ringtone. I searched several other Christian apps, but could only find it on this one🙏💫👆

Ros. M. S. Sep 28, 2019     

Maybe my lack of tech savvy but one ringtone plays incessently tho I"ve done all I know to remove it w/o removing my favorite ringtone!? Hélp! Hr latedr ..well, they're all gone!?

Bon. N. Nov 28, 2018     

I liked the idea and the choices but it only played once for a short time! It should keep playing until I answer the phone!

Lar. B. J. Jan 17, 2022     

I see that you have Christian Ringtones on here. I love Gospel music and Christian music, where ever it is playing.

Lin. W. Mar 26, 2020     

I really enjoy having the Christian songs ringing when someone calls. Thank you for providing this free app!

Car. M. Sep 21, 2020     

It socks. I downloaded it for ringtones! There aren't any. Just a bunch of confusing links to download more apps??? WTH

Jam. W. May 11, 2020     

There is one thing wrong with it does not have a place for ringtones for people on your call list. It has everything else but that.

Nan. W. Jun 27, 2020     

Enjoy the variety of ring tones; like to change ring tones every few months so thank you for so many Christian choices.

Chr. J. Apr 27, 2022     

This app is a real blessing. The ringtones a perfect for what I want to say. 10 stars!

All. F. Apr 28, 2022     

Love the ring tones,they are all so inspirational.

Mar. W. Jan 2, 2019     

I love this app! I am too technologically illiterate to select the music and post to my desired ringtone app.

Lin. P. Sep 16, 2020     

I like that I could get Christian ringtones but when I try to set a ring for ringtones it doesn't work.

Lis. A. Feb 27, 2022     

AWESOME!!! My cat no longer freaks out to my ring tone, she loves it as well. Lisa A.

Cin. H. Jan 15, 2022     

Has some new music as well as old music. Great selections.

War. C. Feb 20, 2022     

I love Christian ringtones because you can pick your ringtone.