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Christmas Ornaments DIY

One of the great things about Christmas is of course decorating the tree. It's a special time of year when the tree arrives in the home and whole family gets to come together to decorate it. Of course, this also means pulling out all the old Christmas ornaments and getting them together, Christmas lights, and hoping that the angel from years past didn't get moldy or break. While all this is wonderful and really allows you to spread the holiday cheer, this year I have a different suggestion for you. Why not try trimming your tree with some simple homemade Christmas ornaments.
“Homemade?” you ask. Why of course homemade. Let's face it, the Great Recession has bitten into everyone's budget this year and many of us are out of work. We can't afford to spend piles of money for new ornaments. And even if you are working, these are some great ideas that will really bring a family together for the holidays.

in this day and age, less is more. In Victorian England, more was better. The Victorians loved their Christmas trees and decorated them lavishly. The trees were packed with sparkling, gilded ornaments; as many as the tree could hold along with cookies, sweetmeats, cakes, candies, garland and then candles were put on the trees for light.Once decorating a Christmas tree became the popular thing to do in England, elaborate ornaments were crafted by the artisans of the time.

Category : Lifestyle

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