• Çitlembik : Kitap Fiyatları Kıyaslayıcısı 1
  • Çitlembik : Kitap Fiyatları Kıyaslayıcısı 2
  • Çitlembik : Kitap Fiyatları Kıyaslayıcısı 3
  • Çitlembik : Kitap Fiyatları Kıyaslayıcısı 4

Çitlembik : Kitap Fiyatları Kıyaslayıcısı

Çitlembik is a tool for reaching the most economical way of our books.

With Çitlembik, we can compare prices between online book sales sites, create a list of favorites, update prices and stock status periodically through price alerts, and generate the cheapest totals based on varying free shipping thresholds.

We can search by book / author / publisher / ISBN, voice search or barcode scanner.

Sites we can compare:
721kitapal.com adakitap.com.tr alfakitap.com alkitap.com alokitabevi.com bikkitap.com camlicakitap.com cocuklarakitap.com depo61.com dr.com.tr eflatunkitap.com eganba.com egitimkitap.com egitimmarket.com.tr ekinyayinevi.com elitkitap.com eminadimlar.com eren.com. en dukakitap.com fatihkitap.com fidankitap.com gazikitabevi.com.tr halkkitabevi.com harmankitap.com hazirlikkitap.com hemenkitap.com hepsikitap.com hermeskitap.com hipokratkitabevi.com idefix.com ilahiyatvakfi.com ilknokta.com imge.com.tr inkilap.com insancilkitap.com isemkitap.com bookisler.com kabalci.com.tr bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com pesatis.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com bookstore.com. com bookzen.com kpsskitap.net kpssstore.com legalkitabevi.com limonkitabevi.com maximumbook.com nezih.com.tr nobelkitap.com odakitap.com okuyanboga.com palmekitabevi.com pandora.com.tr pegem.net pelikankitabevi.com.tr perpakitap .com pirtukakurdi.com ravzakitap.com rob389.com sahafsalih.com savaskitap.com selamkitap.com simetrikitap.com simurg.com.tr sozcukitabevi.com stoktankitap.com tdk.com.tr tele1kitap.com preferredkitabevi.com Toptanasya.com turkmenkitabevi. com.tr ucuzkitapal.com uygunkitapal.com uygunkitapci.com yardimcikitaplar.com Judyayinevi.com yediklim.com.tr yesilkoala.com yildizkitabevi.com

Benchmarking time may vary depending on the quality of mobile or wireless connections.
¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯: Out of print, non-sales, not available, etc.
ಠ_ಠ: Connection error (time out, etc.) (It may depend on the internet connection quality.)
□: The site is not selected.

All prices are presented in a generic form such as "9,99 TL".

For the categories on the main screen, bkmkitap.com was used. Thousands of thanks to everyone who contributed.

Known Issues:
1. When selecting all of the sites to be compared, if the internet connection is not very good, a few sites may have "time out" and so on. errors (ಠ_ಠ) occur. By selecting sites with high customer satisfaction, the benchmarking time can be shortened and the rate of encountering the said error can be reduced.
2. After the update, it is recommended that the newly added sites be added manually between the sites to be compared (Settings -> Which sites should be compared?) And the prices of books in favorites are updated (otherwise there may be problems creating tables). Soon this will happen automatically.

Used frameworks:
Google Vision Library
https://github.com/ravi8x/barcode-read is
https://github.com/miguelbcr/tablefixheaders-wrapp is
Thanks a lot.

Icons by Icons8.

Category : Shopping

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