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Looking for group in real life? Hate being the middle man of communication?Frustrated in getting asked the same questions or asking the same questions such as:Who's going? What time? Where is it? Can you ask him/her?
Ciya gets rid of all of the problems of planning quick events while keeping everyone on the same page.

-Plan events between you and your friends or create public events and find new friends who share similar interests. -Keep everyone on the same track on what the activity is about, where it's at, who is going, and what time it starts. -Communicate between event members with party chat.

Some usages:
- Local Sport games
- Jam Sessions
- Group deals and cheaper meals
- Nervous for a Tinder date? Do it with some mates.
- Study groups

No obligations, just interests.

Category : Social

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Reviews (1)

jus. Aug 4, 2015     

Very user friendly! Great app if you have trouble planning hang outs/activities with a group of friends. Wish I could give 10 stars!