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CMA Mental Arithmetic

CMA is an international educational institution that specializes in the training of young children to enhance their early stages of brain development. Established since 1984 by Master Tai Chiang Ching from Taiwan, CMA has been focusing on offering a credible teaching system that emphasise the total brain development. Our multi-media based curriculum has been tested and proven for more than three decades making us the leader in the area of child development.

We, at CMA believe in a very vibrant teaching methodology which is in tune with the changing times. That is why we have fine-tuned our pioneer TBDP by incorporating many learning tools including multimedia based visual training in classroom. And how well our students have taken this!

Total Brain Development Programme (TBDP) consists of the following Modules :

a) Advanced Abacus Training :

Abacus training is an excellent method to stimulate the right and left side of the brain simultaneously. Master Tai Chiang has researched and developed a unique technique using the least number of bead movement with the highest speed and accuracy in the abacus mental arithmetic calculations known as "Two hand four finger Omission method", which is considered as the most advanced form of abacus calculation method available today. CMA method of abacus training requires the lowest number bead movements to do a particular calculation which allows a user to perform more complicated calculations in lesser time. Those who are attending the CMA TBDP programme doesn't require to attend any other abacus training programme to master this skill.

b) Mental Arithmetic Training :

Calculation without an aid of a tool is called Mental Arithmetic. CMA-TBDP trained children will be able to do calculations faster than the speed of a computer. Here our children convert the numbers in to images. The process of fast mental calculation through images is the end result of the activation their subconscious mind. Aural and visual method is practiced in mental arithmetic training which enhances the auditory and visual ability of a child. This training stimulates the brain activity in different neural networks which in turn helps to accelerate the Myelination process and increase the synaptic density in the respective neural mappings. CMA has created many world Mental Arithmetic Champions.

c) EQ Development Training :

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of our daily life, such as the way we behave and the way we interact with others.

Memory is also strongly linked to emotion. By learning to stay connected to the emotional part of your brain as well as the rational, you'll not only expand your range of choices when it comes to responding to a new event, but you'll also factor emotional memory into your decision-making process. This will help prevent you from continually repeating earlier mistakes.

It is not merely the academic achievement determines the success of life but many other EQ components such as leadership skill, quick and fast decision making ability, ability to work as a team, positive attitude, planning, skill of execution, effective communication, Psycho social skill, etc. plays major roles in it.

TBDP : Benefits of Children

•High level of intelligence.
•Induce a child's potential.
•High level of concentration.
•Improved Flexibility and endurance
•Enhanced memory power.
•Quick response.
•Enhanced EQ of the child.
•Better imaginative skill
•Better problem solving skill
•Better communication skill
•Better Executive skill
•Improved Arithmetical skill (Excel the speed of computer)
•Improved Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic skill
•Better Visuospatial Skills
•Better Psychosocial skill

Category : Education

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Reviews (3)

Roo. W. Jan 25, 2020     

Good app with excellent concept

ADI. D. Jan 26, 2020     

Very nice for education

She. B. Feb 9, 2020     

Its not working on tablets