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Colony Setup

The Colony Setup app is designed to be used with the boardgame "Colony" from Bezier Games, Inc.
It provides customizable randomized setups of all variable cards in the game. If there's a card you don't like, set it to "Unlikely" and it won't show up all that often. Despise a card? Set it to "Always Off" and it will never show up. Want to always see a card in your random setups? Set it to "Always On".

There are a number of other options as well, including the ability to always have one of each type of card, and to ensure that defense cards are only present if there are attack cards available.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (6)

Nat. M. Nov 5, 2019     

This is a great app for picking random stuff to add in your game of Colony. There are so many fun combinations, sometimes it's fun to explore random things.

Mer. G. Feb 10, 2021     

Idk how to play it

Mar. J. Mar 3, 2017     

It works simply and well. The ability to weight the cards so that you can increase/decrease the chances of certain cards being picked is good. The only shortcoming is that you are stuck with only having the ability to have one of each colour. If you could allow colours to be ignored or picked more than once, this app would be near perfect.

Bru. V. V. Oct 20, 2016     

Sweet, simple and to the point. Does what it says without hassle. Point for improvement; - would be a bit better if the card explanation was also available from the setup screen.

Dar. E. Jan 1, 2017     

Not helpful

Ste. H. Jun 17, 2017     

Easy to use and helpful