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Color Converter

Color converter converts colors:RGB to CMYK, HEX and HSV(HSL)HEX to CMYK, RGB and HSV(HSL)CMYK to RGB, HEX and HSV(HSL)HSV(HSL) to RGB, HEX and CMYK
Useful app for designers and developers to quickly convert colors from one format into another.

Preview box gives a preview of the converted color!

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (12)

「レア. メ. M. Jun 7, 2020     

This helps me know the RGB, Hex, HSV/HSB, & CMYK.

Dav. C. Dec 2, 2020     

Blocked without puttin the black into CMYK

Kri. C. Apr 12, 2014     

This app is trying to sell you is the idea that anyone who has a computer can convert RGB/CMYK/etc. & the printed piece will look just like what you a) see on ur screen & b) print from ur printer. Although u can u WONT be happy. Graphics & printing are 2 different languages. Very often RGB color is used as a digital press proof for CONTENT only. Let the printers' prepress do what they need & yes, u should be charged...I miss the good old days!

Rya. O. Feb 6, 2014     

RGB and CMYK are device settings (not colors) and have absolutely no meaning without ICC profiles. This app totally ignores color management and defeats its intended purpose. If you don't get it, Google "the color of toast." Edit 6 Feb 2014: You absolutely CANNOT convert RGB to CMYK (and vice versa) without input AND output ICC profiles! For example, all RGB profiles define neutral grays with equal parts Red, Green, and Blue (e.g. R128, G128, B128). Most CMYK profiles DO NOT define neutral grays with equal parts Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. GRACoL and SWOP define a neutral middle gray (substrate relative) as C50, M40, Y40, K0. Try converting C50, M40, Y40 K0 to RGB in this app and you will NOT get a neutral gray. You will get an RGB value of R128, G153, B153, which is a blue-green color. This app assumes a neutral CMY value of C50, M50, Y50, which is never the case. If you want to go from RGB to CMYK (and vice versa), you absolutely MUST know the source profile AND the destination profile. Is the RGB profile Adobe RGB, sRGB, Pro Photo RGB? Is the CMYK profile SWOP, GRACoL, FOGRA? Without the CIELAB profile connection space in the ICC profile, you simply cannot convert.

Olg. B. Jun 1, 2014     

It's everything it needs to be. However, if I could make note of certain colors and save/send them, this app would be excellent.

Dav. B. T. Apr 29, 2014     

- nice and useful to me.

Dan. K. Jan 3, 2014     

Is a bit of hassle to keep turning the tablet since I assume lots of time people will be working in landscape mode.

Ric. R. Sep 6, 2013     

Brilliant. Just what I needed. Works perfectly.

A. G. u. Nov 25, 2012     

Needed a way to convert RGB colour values to HEX. No more, no less. This app is perfect.

Ali. T. Jul 27, 2013     

Maby it's better to use RGB colour hue in your app logo not RYB :)

A. G. u. Oct 19, 2012     

Would be far more versatile with a large visual colour-palette as additional input option.

Anu. K. Dec 3, 2015     

Really awesome...