• Color Converter 1
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Color Converter

The Color Converter app represents color in RGB, HSV, CMYK, HEX format. This app is designed for designers, programmers or anyone else who wants to convert color or find the value of color in a different format.

RGB - A color representation designed for computer screens using the three primary colors of red, green and blue when the level of the combination of the three gives the color.

HSV - Is also designed to represent color on a computer but in a different way. The letter H represents the hue of the color. The letter S represents the saturation of the color. And the letter V represent the value of the color.

CMYK - This color representation method is used to represent a printable color, since the computer is a light source but the page is not a light source, it is necessary to convert the RGB method to a custom color representation method for printing.

HEX - This color representation method is based on RGB and each color is represented by two digits based on hexadecimal base.

Category : Art & Design

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Reviews (6)

Rob. B. Apr 8, 2019     

Very simple and direct, usefully contains cmyk conversions for the benefit of those who paint as well as print. The app does what it says. I wonder if the author has considered attempting a ryb conversion algorithm?

A. G. u. Mar 19, 2019     

Does what it says with no extra fluff at all! Would like to be able to input values as text, making fine adjustments using the sliders is fiddly on a smallish phone

Mar. P. Jan 27, 2021     

It shows the wrong color in my latest version 10 android, but shows correct color in my version 8 oreo android.

JAM. S. Sep 17, 2019     

RYB, need RYB for dyeing. Need to see through the camera

Nik. R. Apr 9, 2018     

Please add RGB to RAL or CMYK to RAL

A. G. u. Aug 7, 2017     

Just what I was looking for!