• Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio. Ellen White 1
  • Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio. Ellen White 2
  • Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio. Ellen White 3
  • Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio. Ellen White 4

Consejos sobre el régimen alimenticio. Ellen White

We present this application that is an audio book with the theme of Advice on the diet written by Ellen G. White more than 100 years ago for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

All the information that this application brings, we hope it will be a blessing in the life of the people who study these topics. We hope you can share it on social networks like facebook or whatsapp

One life is granted to us; and the question that each one must ask is: "How can I invest my faculties in a way that makes the most of it? How can I do more for the glory of God and the benefit of my fellow men?" For life is valuable only to the extent that it is used for the attainment of these purposes.
Our first duty towards God and our fellow human beings is individual development. Each faculty with which the Creator has endowed us we must cultivate it to the highest degree of perfection, to realize the greatest sum of good of which we are capable. Therefore, the time spent in the acquisition and preservation of physical and mental health is well spent. We can not afford to belittle or disable any function of the body or mind. As surely as we do, we must suffer the consequences.

Every man has the opportunity, to a great degree, to make himself what he chooses to be. The blessings of this life, and also those of the immortal state, are within your reach. He can form a character of great excellence, and acquire new strength at every step.

You can advance daily in knowledge and wisdom, aware that progress will provide you with new delights, and add one virtue to another, one grace to another. Your faculties will improve with use; the more wisdom you get, the greater your ability to acquire more, your intelligence, knowledge and virtue will develop thus to acquire greater strength and more perfect symmetry.

On the other hand, it can allow its faculties to rust for lack of use, or to be perverted by bad habits, and for lack of self-control or moral and religious vigor. Then it marches down; he is disobedient to the law of God and to the laws of health.

The appetite dominates. The inclination deflects it. It is easier for him to allow the powers of evil, which are always active, to drag him back than to fight against them and move forward. Then follows dissipation, illness and death. This is the story of many lives that could have been useful in the cause of God and humanity.

May God bless you

Category : Books & Reference

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