• Convert Coordinates DM to DMS 1
  • Convert Coordinates DM to DMS 2

Convert Coordinates DM to DMS

Convert GPS coordintes from Decimal degrees to Degress minutes and seconds.
I original built it so I can key coordinates on my Subaru from my Garmin GPS.

ie from WGS84 DD.MM.ddd to DD MM SS
eg S35 20.123 E149 6.456 = S35 20' 7" E149 6' 27"

Category : Maps & Navigation

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Reviews (2)

Joh. S. Oct 3, 2017     

Degrees Miles and Seconds DMS.60 minutes = 60 nautical miles. --- 1 minute of arc on the earth = 2 Roman miles = 6000 ft = 1 nautical mile = plotting accuracy for scaling an object on a map. It can be used for sailing walking flying and driving. So This makes 1 second of arc = 100ft and does not interfere with use of statute miles or kilometers for engineering and construction. John.

Dav. K. Oct 10, 2014     

So the Geocaching app only displays coordinates in a DMD "degrees/minutes decimal" format (DD°MM.MMM') while my car GPS accepts coordinates as a destination (most aftermarket do... Garmin, TomTom, etc), but mine only wants it in straight "decimal degrees" (DD.DDDD°) or traditional DMS "degrees/minutes/seconds" (DD°MM'SS")... I've tried to estimate the seconds part of the decimal minutes, but didn't work (500m or so off). This app is very small and doesn't require any special permissions to operate.