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Cosmetology Exam Prep

Studying for your state cosmetology theory exam? Mastering Cosmetology practice exams provides the BEST exam prep app available anywhere... for most of you. (I know. Buzzkill. But we need to mention that up front. Check out our section below on why cosmetology theory exam prep is definitely not one-size-fits-all.)

* Our app is the only one that uses the same source material for questions (from three different publishers) that the test preparers themselves use.

* We only write questions that adhere to the study outline produced by the organization that prepares the test.

* We only use one well known testing device: the humble multiple choice question. It may not scream variety
- but we wouldn't do it any other way. There are no flashcards on test day.

* 1200 questions. 1200. And yes, we do dream of permanent wave pH ranges now.

* The exam-taking portion of our app is modeled after software used by testing centers across the country, so the process will feel familiar.

That's why the grand claim about it being the best app available to help you prepare
- every decision about content and design has been geared towards making it just that.


We randomize questions, and for each question we randomize the answers so you can be sure you’re learning the subject matter and not just recalling patterns.

Where needed, questions include notes that explain the answer or discuss differences between the publishers regarding the subject matter.


It's a state-by-state decision on how cosmetologists qualify for their licenses. Many states use the NIC® exam (more on the NIC® in a bit), others use an exam that test on the similar subjects and use the same references (Kansas, for instance), while other theory tests take a very different form.

The NIC® are an interstate organization that promotes standardized testing for cosmetology, and successfully so, as their theory test has been adopted by a majority of states. Our app focuses on helping cosmetologists pass the NIC® exam. It would also be an excellent study aid for students in states that administer tests similar in content. Obviously, our app would NOT be a good use of time for cosmetology students in states that administer a very different test. Colorado and Tennessee are two that spring to mind. Alas.

So! Who uses the NIC exam? According to our research, the following:Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Guam, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming*

And according to our research, the following states use similar exams. If your state is listed below, we advise you compare your state test's study guideline with the NIC's, located at http://www.nictesting.org/testingprogramdatabase/Cosmetology_Written_English_CIB.pdf. This will help you determine whether our app would be a good use of your study time (our vote is yes):Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oregon

If you have any questions, please contact us via our support page at www.masteringcosmetology.com

Thanks for your interest and best of luck on your exams!

*Confirmed through official state sites and by speaking with state agency representatives

Category : Education

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Reviews (5)

kal. s. Feb 1, 2017     

Helps with state bored forsure

Rya. A. Mar 10, 2015     

Can be used offline, several answers have additional notes which explain the differences in textbooks, which is a great help.

ani. a. Sep 14, 2015     

Does not tell u the right answer if you get it wrong. Not a good app at all and after your purchase it lets you know it was not approved by Cosmo board do not buy this app .

mat. l. Sep 1, 2016     

Doesn't give you the correct or wrong answer

Can. M. May 23, 2018     

Perfect for state board prep. I passed with 95!