• Cours de comptabilité en poche 1
  • Cours de comptabilité en poche 2
  • Cours de comptabilité en poche 3
  • Cours de comptabilité en poche 4

Cours de comptabilité en poche

This application summarizes a set of fundamental concepts comptabilité.Vous've always thought it would be nice to train you in accounting, but it might be tedious. It should be put into perspective.

Here is a method that aims to facilitate your understanding of accounting, eventually consider easy. The "pocket Accounting" offers courses and exercises uncorrected general accounting step.

Cultivate the spirit step by step and learn basic principles you will assimilate with examples and case studies you will be prompted to do (do not worry, you can check their correctness using the corrected offered to you in the end Material).

Courses and exercises will be added regularly to consolidate your gains.

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Category : Education

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