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Crooked Hillary

Having trouble remembering all Hillary's Lies?
Press the button, here one of dozens chosen at random!
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Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (9)

joh. b. Sep 17, 2016     

She is so crooked . I would pay to have video to go along with the audio. LOL..... Great app to help stun the liberals mind it makes some of them stop and think...but of course liberalism is a mental illness. Thanks

Der. H. Sep 1, 2016     

Funny App that does a great job at comparing side by side statements that completely contradict each other. Not for Hillary supporters or the PC police as they might be found crying in a corner after listening to the truth for once.

Joe. A. Feb 16, 2017     

Most are taken out of context & don't compare well to the blatant "alternative facts" of Donald Trump. It would be great to have an app with snippets of his "Russia, if you're listening..." help us. & even more awesome to hear the treasonous Flynn phone conversations! I'd pay for that! (Why not? Trump already paid with whatever integrity our National election process had left)

Don. S. Sep 17, 2016     

barely touches on her evil lying ways but it seems honest as far as it goes.

Ale. B. Sep 6, 2016     

This app is audio clips of hillary saying contradictory and messed up stuff.

Jam. R. Sep 3, 2016     

How can any decent American vote for this lying witch?

Edw. Z. J. Sep 6, 2016     


Jac. Jul 15, 2016     

Developer's company. "g_wicks". Only review from Georgie Wicks, no wonder it's five stars

Eve. G. Mar 14, 2017     

I hate this who ever made this!!😡