• Crypto App - Widgets, Alerts, News, Bitcoin Prices 1
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  • Crypto App - Widgets, Alerts, News, Bitcoin Prices 4

Crypto App - Widgets, Alerts, News, Bitcoin Prices

Keep track of all crypto coins in one app! Live crypto price alerts, price tracking, crypto coin news updates, live crypto conversion.. and so much more in the best crypto app!
Did you invest in cryptocurrencies? Want to track bitcoin rates or compare and convert bitcoin rates against other cryptocurrencies or other currencies?
Start using the most unique and accurate bitcoin and altcoin rate tracking, crypto news and bitcoin rate converter app, The Crypto App, to get realtime price alerts and reminders for any cryptocurrency like for example bitcoin or altcoin prices. "The Crypto App - Widgets, Alerts, News, Bitcoin Prices" is the best app to track bitcoin and altcoin rates.

Category : Finance

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Reviews (25)

Den. M. May 27, 2022     

Lots of information right at your fingertips. Even includes background descriptions of each coin and the developmental uses of each. I really like the alert feature that lets you know if a cryptocurrency is gone up or down from a specified value. I had another app that did this but it barely let you even know. This app makes sure that you get the message. The only downside I can really identify is the free app is severely watered down & weak. You will DEFINITELY have to pay for the upgrade.

Rya. P. May 14, 2022     

The new UI is a step down, unfortunately. There is too much padding and too much scrolling now. The portfolio not listing the current price of each coin is frustrating. There are other issues as well that are expressed in other reviews. This is the first time in more than a year that I've turned to alternative apps.

DON. C. May 23, 2022     

This app had been great. That's until this new version. I love the new UI but there are features in the older version that should be brought back. Like in the converter where I could click on any coin/token/currency to make it the subject. I hate that I have to search for a new coin every time I need to use the converter while I could just click on it from the menu. Please adjust that

Sim. Apr 26, 2022     

The new UI is terrible! The spacing is so big that only 4 coins appear on my phone at once now. The background charts are very faint and hard to read. The filter bar takes up too much room. The volumes on the charts don't match the volumes below. If you add a few filters the position goes wonky. Can you please include an option for the old format please? It really didn't need updating.

Dun. H. Apr 24, 2022     

UPDATE: New layout and colour is AWFUL and I hate it! I'm going to spend time looking for another app now. Seriously, can I get the old version back? Why destroy something so good? It makes no sense. At least give us the option for the old layout and colours instead of forcing changes on your users. Unbelievable. PREVIOUS VERSION: Very user friendly and fast. Alerts read out loud is very cool.

Vin. T. Apr 25, 2022     

Please revert to the old design. The light grey sparklibe in the background with data covering half of it may as well not be there anymore, it's purpose is to know what the trend is at a glance. Each card now takes up more space on the screen for no reason other than looking pretty. The info section is so condensed you can barely read one line at a time when scrolling. There are more but I've hit the limit. I used this app because it was the most functional, not because it looked pretty.

Sam. W. Apr 25, 2022     

New update UI is trash, doesnt display properly, chart is basicslly just a straight line. The numbers on the right side are cut off and at the bottom the 7 days display is cut off into the bottom of the widget. The refresh button also doesnt always work and lags really bad. The rounded redesign is nice, but i dont care if its pretty when functionality is compromised.

Lju. F. Apr 25, 2022     

This app is a must have. You can put alarms and have old portfolios to compare how successful you are. List mode is a big help and it is worth spending some time and learning all possibilities because smart people made it and it's useful. This review is for versions before 3.02 which is a big degradation after. The green colour of the graph is gone and it's not visible. The new bold font is not readable. All changes are esthetic and functionality is lost.

Cap. G. May 4, 2022     

Is there a way to revert to the previous version? The new one might please some graphic artists, but fading sparklines into the background has ruined their visibility and usefulness. Adding logos to the lists is another artsy 'improvement' that takes up valuable space, reducing the info viewable on each list page. This app has gone from highly useful to hopelessly useless.

Z. L. Apr 23, 2022     

Before changing any design, please do some UX testing. This is an unnecessary "upgrade" - it's actually a downgrade in experience. Better UI with worse UX. Come on, what's with the animation of charts popping up in List. It adds no value. Why is there so much spacing in between coins? It's so hard to fast browse now.

Cen. D. Apr 23, 2022     

Hi, the lasted update is pretty good that add its portfolio function, smooth looking home market trends. For my opinion, [1] it'll be very good if you will develop the portfolio function as Coinstats app that let us advanced input data with manually add our asset with real value. [2] For alert function, the previous is better than the latest cuz it easily see or find all price alert settings by crypto logos and can set or edit in one tab that doesn't add a lot of tabs for setting as the latest.

J. L. May 7, 2022     

The new design (of th list view) is a disappointment. Making good things better usually fails, like here. Now the colors: green and red, marking up and down trends, respectively, are both so dark that barely distinguishable from black in the light mode. The dark mode became absolutely invisible in the daylight. Also new graphics introduced into the list view can't be seen behind the text... it is completely a wasted development effort that only disturbs.

Gab. H. May 24, 2022     

I've been trying to get in touch to get some answers about some questions I have about the app and no one answers. The app is working great so far, but I'm not sure if the pro plan is a one time payment, and if I can see the % change based on my order prices (gains/loss). Also, would be great to see all the orders on a tab. Thanks for the answer. Already made the purchase. Still don't know if I can see my results on the app (% change from average buying price)

L. P. May 3, 2022     

At first I liked this app, hence the purchase - which I regret - because first, the portfolio widget often matches the exchange, but in the app it does not include my FIAT, hence showing a different (lower) balance, pretty confusing! Secondly, the latest (April) update *completely* ruined the readability of the app which is now a pain to use.

Ant. B. Apr 26, 2022     

When will you get the hint?? Everyone HATES the new updates!! Fire the head of development, roll the app back the way it was a month ago, and don't put out update until you can get it right. Everyone is going to ditch the app. You've made it unusable. Can't view charts and widgets. Can't even view a single coin in my portfolio and scrolling takes forever because the chart takes up 75% of the screen and doesn't scroll out of the way. This app used to be so great! Who thought this was a good idea?

Mar. W. Apr 24, 2022     

It was unique, elegant and functional app. After last upgrade nothing special like hundreds other apps. Instead of beautiful dark grey theme horrible black, font size made it hard to read. On portfolio screen is space for just 3 currencies so it's hard to compare them when you have 50, plus annoying "manual input" on every row which is wasting space. I paid for this app but I'm out, waiting for future upgrades to restore previous functionality.

Edi. B. May 30, 2022     

Loved it until now... Been using it for a long time but this app really needs a way to pick an exchange per coin for the price or even ignore a coin entirely. The price for luna for example is now errornous and wildly different on two exchanges which means the app reports a wrong price making it useless.

Thi. T. May 18, 2022     

Could you please put the last version, now the graph is dark, we see nothing, when you wanna scroll into the token to see information or which exchange, we see nothing. This app was great, now is useless. If you dont update for better like the last version, i will change to another app, like many people on the comment. Best regards.

Moh. S. M. May 26, 2022     

Their recent update made the chart list very hard to look at. Very low contrast. Shame! it used to be very good at providing a quick glance at how my fav coins are doing. I'm moving on to another app.

Ron. A. May 25, 2022     

personally I do not like the new UI. Is clean and fast; but icons that was important to identify each coin now we don't have them. the themes also should be more, and options for charts should be more technicals and helpfully.

Jar. Z. Apr 24, 2022     

Strongly dislike this new UI update, much preferred the classic looking layout that I was used to for the last year I understand probably somebody wasted a lot of time developing this new UI but it would be nice to implement the option to run the Legacy looking version As fancy as it looks it's very cluttery to look at the entire point of what I liked so much about the app was how quickly and easily you could see your portfolio now I have to do twice as much scrolling and it's not as clean

Ric. H. Apr 24, 2022     

It used to be 5/5, but today's update with a completely new layout makes it unusable for me. The sparklines in the app and widgets have gone or become unreadable. Hourly delta is no longer shown in the widget. The charts are harder to read. Typical case of form over function.

Man. B. Apr 24, 2022     

Newer version is not usable. Less content on screen. The green cololr is less visible. Ux design can be far better than this. Older version was simple, usable and aesthetic. Used for more than a year but it's time for a new app. Gotta fix a UI.

Mat. P. Apr 26, 2022     

new widget update.. FAILURE text spacing too wide, graphs not visble, size doesnt fit in grid in the app, everything is spaced out. did you redesign this for someone with a specific vision problem?? the new UI makes the widgets totally useless. that was the main reason i bought this app .. now its just junk give us back the old look!

Fil. P. Apr 26, 2022     

Last update is actually downgrade in functional and visual experience. This happens when you fix things that don't need fixing... Yes, now it looks cooler and more modern. And in that process it has lost much of its usefulness