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Cure Cold Sore & STD Treatment

Download the official app Cure Cold Sore & STD Treatment for men & women
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We'll start with (3) ways to prevent and cure a cold sore along with STD Treatment for women & men.

1. Enjoy vanilla

Vanilla extract, the real, good, pure, vanilla extract, is a natural cold sore remedy some people swear by. The thought process is that its alcohol based, and running along those lines, makes it hard for the virus to thrive and either wipes it out or lessens the severity and length of the outbreak. If you do use vanilla, try and get it organic, and try to start using it the second you feel the tingling set it.

You will need…-a cotton swab or cotton pad-pure vanilla extract

Directions…Soak cotton pad or swab in vanilla until thoroughly saturated. Apply directly to sore, holding the swab or pad in place for a minute or so. Do this four times daily until no longer needed.

2. Snag some licorice

One of the more random natural remedies for cold sores that you can use is licorice. Hieroglyphic acid, an ingredient in licorice root, has been shown in some studies to stop the virus cells in their nasty little tracks-or at least counteract the symptoms of them. This is thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. A way to glean something positive from this isn’t to go munch on a bunch of licorice whips, but rather get some licorice powder, and make a cream. You can also try drinking licorice tea daily, though that doesn’t seem as effective as topical treatment.

You will need…-1 tablespoon licorice root powder or extract-1/2 teaspoon fresh water OR approximately 2 teaspoons petroleum jelly

Directions…Mix one tablespoon of licorice root powder to ½ teaspoon of fresh water, or however much you need to get the consistency of cream you want, making sure to add in small increments. Another option is to mix it with petroleum jelly, which on its own can help speed up the healing process of cold sores. If you opt for this, start with a teaspoon of the petroleum jelly and mix it with the licorice root. You can work your way up to your desired consistency from there. Gently dab (a cotton swab is handy for this) a thin layer over the sore, making sure to get it completely covered. Leave it on for at least several hours, or overnight if possible.

3. Toss your toothbrush

Throw out your toothbrush after the blister has formed, and toss it once the sore has cleared up. A toothbrush is the perfect vessel to carry the virus, and you can end up triggering an outbreak in yourself if you re-use the same toothbrush again and again. This is a preventative measure, since it can stop an outbreak or cut it short, it’s well worth doing.

Look out for the next app update on more ways to prevent and Cure Cold Sore & STD Treatment for men & women!

The facts and research in this app benefits everyone
- Whether you're a 19 year old student in University or you're retired at the healthy age of 65, you'll find the information within very useful. It focused on common illnesses and treatments used by Chinese, Europeans, Indians and Asian cultures dating back for centuries.

Finally a chance to try the amazing remedies with miraculous healing aloe. This is one of those moments when you have to take your fate in your own hands and start doing something...Isn't it time you tried something that actually works?

Download the official app Cure Cold Sore & STD Treatment for men & women NOW!

Category : Health & Fitness

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