d20 tools

- d20 dice rolls
- initiative tracker
Note that all functionality has been explicitly requested, so 1
* reviews make you look dumb.

Happy to take requests for more features
- please email directly. Release notes here: http://www.brindysoft.com/projects/d20-tools/

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (17)

Jef. L. Feb 28, 2016     

The die roller rolls 1 die at a time, so if you have to do a 18d6 effect have fun clicking the d6 18 times then adding the amount manually. There are many other die rolling apps that are actually useful. The initiative tracker just simply does not work as described. Before putting such a childish comment in your listing as calling people that rate the product low dumb you might want to actually present a product that works correctly.

A. G. u. Mar 18, 2011     

I don't require much from my dice apps, so this was nice. Sure I'd love it to be animated, but this is a free app created by someone who made it to make their dungeoneering easier. At least it HAS graphics. Don't expect too much, but it does its job.

SDP. Dec 23, 2013     

The initiative tracker could pop up the edit character dialog rather than just adding "New Toon" to the list. Would be nice to roll multiple die in a single calculation, for example, 3d6.

Pik. T. Feb 6, 2017     

App does not any anything to do except add dice no modifiers. Character added has dumb symbols not even relating to dnd

Ste. M. Dec 22, 2012     

It is absolutely unbelievable to me that you would respond to people that don't like your program and rate it low that you would put it in your description that "rating this program at 1* makes you look dumb" You act like a baby and have no customer service skills. Grow up! I saw this remark in your description of this product after downloading your other program and had to tell you before uninstalling both programs based on your poor customer service skills.

Tho. B. Aug 1, 2013     

Saying that a 1* rating makes the reviewer look dumb is basically asking for exactly that. Besides, it's so badly made, that the lowest possible rating is not low enough.

Dwi. M. Jan 26, 2015     

I don't even need this app, just wanted to rate it one star because of your dumb attitude.

Kar. R. Aug 18, 2016     

Your attitude and low ratings show why this program is useless, like the dev.

A. G. u. Jan 19, 2011     

Interesting setup. I like the meaningless icons. Feels like it needs more. Show icons next to checkboxes plz.

A. G. u. Jan 10, 2011     

Dice roller is too basic and doesn't do modifiers. Initiative tracker has potiental but not there.

A. G. u. Oct 29, 2010     

Would like to be able to change color of text (or background) and dice.

Gez. May 6, 2014     

Dice roller nd initiative tracker.

A. G. u. Jan 12, 2011     

Please add a save to SD option

A. G. u. Aug 22, 2010     

Update is awesome!

she. r. May 31, 2014     

I like the dice roller but I cant figure out the UI for the tracker. What menu? TOONS!? Sorry, maybe I am just not seeing the button.

A. G. u. May 22, 2010     

Dice roller does what the description says it would do, though a bit uninspired. Could be better, e.g. visualized like on the iPhone.

A. G. u. Apr 15, 2012     

If it had an Experience Calculator, I would love it.