• Daydream Widgets 1
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  • Daydream Widgets 4

Daydream Widgets

Make your own custom Daydream screensaver with your favorite home screen widgets!
Just open the app, drag and drop your widgets, pick your favorite color, and you just made a new custom screensaver.When your device is docked and charging your widgets will cycle and show right next to each other, or one after another.

Tired of no apps having cool Daydreams? Make your own and include your weather widgets, your photo gallery, email, and clock and moreto make your own screensaver. If you leave your tablet propped up or your android hooked up to a TV, you need to have this app.

Category : Personalization

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Reviews (28)

Rya. W. Aug 20, 2015     

Very basic functionality. Crashed my phone and broke most of the widgets on my home screens (google calendar, evernote, & mint, maybe others, especially odd since these were not used in my daydream widgets test), requiring that they be removed and re-added. Looks like it broke Google Now also; not sure how I'm going to fix that yet.

Niu. S. Oct 10, 2017     

Why did you stop updating, come on make it better. It is very useful. It is so old but still very nicely done. Make it better and smoother and material.

AlS. A. Jun 20, 2016     

Only works till I reboot. Then selected widgets become blank placeholders only. Also causes widgets on screens to fail or disappear. Wierd.

Kir. S. May 19, 2017     

Excellent idea! Thank you so much! I`d like to have option to slightly move all (not one) widgets on the screen in a random direction, in selected in pixels range from base position in a selected time range. Just to be sure that my screen wil not get traces becuse of usage in a long time.

Mar. B. Jun 3, 2017     

Perfect. Those who are giving bad reviews have to read instructions. You can set up everything in your daydream frontpage, as long as you know how to do it. And it is self explanatory.

A. G. u. Jun 19, 2016     

It would be great if you could make the slow setting slower, and possibly add additional effects such as bouncing out fade in fade out.

Sco. A. Aug 9, 2015     

I've been looking for something just like this. It does the basics of what i want anyway. Needs the ability to resize/reshape widgets horizontally. And needs some kind of image ability for the background (single and slideshow). Will give 5 stars then. Good work but definitely needs an update.

Woo. B. Aug 16, 2015     

A brilliant concept! Nice execution - does not work with ASUS and other widgets - app messes them up

Tro. D. Jun 13, 2017     

The only problem I got with this is it don't stay on after displaying 28 pictures out of 995 I've got on my phone it just stops I expect it to stay on as long as I TELL IT TO not suddenly turn it self off

Bra. Jul 8, 2016     

Only issue, but otherwise works great

Jas. D. Dec 7, 2016     

I use a fast charger dock and I plug speakers into my phone which makes standing the phone horizontally on the charger more effective. Can you put an option for horizontal screen orientation?

A. G. u. Jun 11, 2018     

Does exactly what I need it to.

Esl. R. Dec 26, 2016     

Brilliant.. I used it with zooper ... And its awsome

Pes. S. Nov 5, 2015     

Just what I was looking for...

Abb. J. Apr 20, 2015     

The lack of decent weather apps for Daydream is very disappointing, but this app helps out a lot. Only problem is that you can't exit Daydream mode by tapping anywhere on the screen as with vanilla Daydream. You have to hit the "back" softkey. Would love to be able to just tap the screen.

Rya. D. Jan 30, 2015     

Spent hours trying to find a daydream app that switched through news, weather and text. Perfect.

Chr. B. May 17, 2015     

Better than stock daydream but stops working. Doesn't display the scrolling widgets and only a black screen.

Wal. H. E. Feb 8, 2015     

waiting for, brightness slider & ability to fit multiple widgets to fit like they should be in one page

Hil. C. Feb 8, 2015     

My varied assortment of clocks make for a very nice daydream. Any chance of background images being added? Preferably randomized? A solid color gets boring after a while.

Nom. V. Jun 17, 2015     

Adding this would earn 5 stars

Pra. F. Jan 14, 2015     

Its worth trying!

Bil. F. Jul 3, 2015     

FANTASTIC little app!!! Would be perfect if widgets could be re-sized.

Kei. G. Apr 12, 2015     

Simplistic, yet effective. Thanks, Shirace Apps. I'll support you via the store. :-)

ROY. F. Jan 2, 2015     

I love it!

Kar. S. Nov 14, 2014     

UPDATE. When I first started with this application I was so frustrated that I wrote the following here: "Can someone please explain to me how to add widgets? "Just drag and drop" only works if I see the widgets to add. I'm sure I am missing something simple, but I don't see how to set this up." Now I am very happy to report that someone answered me almost immediately and soon had figured out the problem. SOLUTION. Open THIS app. That is where widgets are displayed. Five stars if instructions were clearer.

Dek. B. Z. Jun 26, 2014     

Works just as described. Nice to finally have variety of widgets for daydream. Wish the widgets will automatically change position on the screen. It damages the screen when it's static

A. G. u. Jun 23, 2014     

Crashes Sometimes..... HOPE that the dev have fixed this issue..... Yet its the best app

Ale. N. Aug 8, 2014     

This is the only app(that I could find) of it's kind.. The only thing is, that since it utilizes your own widgets, they need to be resizable..